Making it Official

I’ve started a new chapter in this book of life. This was a chapter I had looked forward to starting for quite some time. I wasn’t sure when it was going to happen, but I knew in due time it would. It was something I was anxious to start but also wanted to wait until the time was β€œright,” which as we know there will never be a perfect time.

For so long I wanted to focus on my running. No, I’m not an elite or professional athlete, but it was still something that was important to me and something I wanted to pursue when I was young and at my prime. I spent the better part of four years focused on my running and trying to improve my times. After setting PRs in every distance last summer and winning the Kenai River Marathon for the women, I felt like I could hang my hat on that and be satisfied with the effort I gave.

I also resisted this new chapter because I wanted so badly to move out of Alaska. I tried anything and everything to get out of here, so I wouldn’t have to live here any longer. But it never worked out and we ended up buying a house last August. It was bittersweet since I’ve wanted to live in an actual house instead of a rental for quite some time, but that also committed us to staying here.

So with a marriage that will be six years old come June, a new house, and a dog, naturally the next thing to come. . . . .


You guessed it, a baby!

I’m not even sure it is worth showing you this picture since it shows no physical evidence of a baby, but I’m not so keen about showing you the inside of my uterus (a.k.a. the ultrasound picture) or the at-home pregnancy stick I peed on, so this is the best I’ve got. Trust me, there is a baby in there!



So that’s my big news and a whole new chapter that is just starting for us. We are very excited (of course a little apprehensive and not entirely sure what to expect), but still very excited. We feel like we are ready for this next adventure and know it is going to turn our world upside down.

And with that, I am officially pregnant now because this announcement has been broadcast on Facebook and the blog.

Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 4.25.14
    Angel said:

    Oh, congratulations, Michelle!

  2. 4.25.14

    Congratulations! Such great news. Thank you for sharing. I hope you have a Happy and healthy pregnancy.

  3. 4.25.14
    Randell Tober said:

    Congrats Michelle! You’ll be a great mom and have someone to share the things you so love. My daughter just had her first . Going to see the new arrival in a couple days. She lives in SF… I hope she’s been following your blog like I’ve been telling her to :o)

  4. 4.25.14


  5. 4.25.14

    Congrats! So happy for you both! I can’t wait to read funny stories of what Craig says during your pregnancy and see his funny pictures. Your guys’ interactions always crack me up!

    • 4.25.14
      Michelle said:

      Haha! I’m never quite sure if people see Craig has funny or creepy/weird sometimes with all of his antics. I should do a post about all the things he says sometime.

  6. 4.25.14
    Michelle in Michigan said:

    Yay!!! Congrats to you both!

  7. 4.25.14
    mrbillone said:

    Hi Michelle… I couldn’t reply with these in post… But wanted to send them. My daughter Alyson and now Porter. They live in SF. I’ve steered her towards your blog… although she’s been busy the last few with the baby born on April 7th. Once again.. Congrats!  :O)

  8. 4.25.14
    Danielle said:


  9. 4.25.14

    Congratulations!!!!!! I’m so happy and excited for you πŸ™‚ XOXO

  10. 4.25.14
    2 Cups 'N Run said:

    Congratulations!!! Enjoy your pregnancy, it’s an awesome time.

  11. 4.25.14
    Sarah said:

    congratulations michelle!! so excited for you!

  12. 4.25.14
    dancerinthekitchen said:

    Congratulations! We are due in September! We will be married 6 years in June, have a new house, and the dog and now (soon) baby! It will be fun to follow as we enter this new chapter! I need to start blogging more !

  13. 4.25.14
    Kasey said:

    Such exciting news! Most bloggers can’t keep a secret but I had no idea you were pregnant!

    • 4.25.14
      Michelle said:

      I’m glad I didn’t give it away. I think a few people might have had an inkling, but I did try to be discreet. It helps that I haven’t blogged about everything I’ve been eating or every (slow) run I’ve done.

  14. 4.25.14

    Congratulations- that’s so exciting. I had my first baby five months ago and it is such a joy.

  15. 4.25.14
    Melissa said:

    Congratulations!!! My daughter is 9 months old and I wouldnt trade her for the world…or running! It definately completely changes your world but its a good change :o) How far along are you?

  16. 4.25.14
    Karen said:

    Congrats!!! πŸ™‚

  17. 4.25.14
    dawn @ running the dawn said:

    babies, babies, babies!!!! i love babies. i have so many questions… like how far along are you? are you going to run through the prego parts? and i was kind of wondering why you decided to not go back to boston this year…

    • 4.25.14
      Michelle said:

      I will have to recap all of that in my next post. πŸ™‚

    • 4.25.14
      Michelle said:

      Actually the main reason I didn’t go to Boston was because I didn’t qualify until after registration for the 2014 race closed. I also knew I wanted to go somewhere tropical instead.

  18. 4.25.14
    Yolanda said:


  19. 4.25.14
    Kelly G said:

    YAY!!!!!!!!!! It’s official now! I’m so happy for you both. Kids change your world, but for the better. There are ups and downs but they bring so much joy. They become your everything!!!

  20. 4.25.14


  21. 4.25.14
    Ashley said:


  22. 4.25.14
    Kathryn said:


  23. 4.25.14
    Liz said:

    Congratulations. I am interested to see how running goes for you during and after pregnancy. I have a 9 month old and run with her everyday. Not sure how well a jogging stroller will work in Alaska conditions though!

  24. 4.25.14
    Moira Donohue said:


    • 4.25.14
      Michelle said:


  25. 4.25.14
    Rebecca said:


  26. 4.26.14

    Woohoo! Congrats, Michelle! I look forward to following your journey. That pink top is a great color on you.

  27. 4.26.14
    Chris Homs said:

    Wow! Congratulations, this is truly the start of your new life, enjoy it! I wish you, Craig and the baby the best!

  28. 4.27.14
    SuzLyfe said:

    Congratulations! Make sure you keep that behbeh warm!

  29. 4.27.14
    Liz said:

    Congratulations!! I knew when I saw that this was making an announcement that it would be a baby!

  30. 4.28.14
    Krissie J said:

    Congratulations!!! How exciting!