2022 Running Highlights

2022 turned out to be a pretty decent year for running! Not my best, but I did set 4 new PRs, raced in 3 different states, snagged 2 first places, and did 1 trail run.

I didn’t run nearly as many miles as I have in the past. This year I hit 2608 total miles, compared to last year when I ran 3095 miles. But other than that, I had a lot of good things this year brought. I will say overall this year was rough in our move from Alaska to Minnesota. A lot of huge changes that are never easy, which I’m sure affected my running.

A look at my running stats from 2022:

Total miles: 2608 miles

Average daily miles: 7.1 miles

Average weekly miles: 50 miles

Highest weekly mileage: 90 miles

Longest run: 24 mile training run + 26.2 mile race

States I ran in: Alaska, Hawaii, Minnesota, Wisconsin, California

Races I ran: 8 races

4/16/22 – Alaska Heart Run 5K (Anchorage, AK) – 19:17
5/1/22 – Cabin Fever Reliever 5K (Anchorage, AK) – 19:28
5/28/22 – Trent Waldron 10K (Anchorage, AK) – 38:25 (PR)
6/3/22 – Twilight 12K (Anchorage, AK) – 47:20
6/11/22 – Alaska Run for Women 5 Miler (Anchorage, AK) – 30:38 (PR)
7/17/22 – Skinny Raven Half (Anchorage, AK) – 1:26:58
10/1/22 – Twin Cities 10 Miler (Minneapolis, MN) – 1:06:38 (PR)
12/4/22 – California International Marathon (CIM) – (Sacramento, CA) – 2:58:10 (PR)

PRs: 5 miler, 10K, 10 miler, and marathon

Top places (for the women): 1st at Cabin Fever Reliever, 1st at Trent/Waldron 10K, 1st at Skinny Raven Half, 3rd at Twilight 12K

Favorite race: California International Marathon (CIM)

Biggest high: running a sub-3 hour marathon again

Biggest low: Moving away from a really great running community in Anchorage, and a two month injury to my hamstring and glute. Being injured is always an extremely hard time mentally for me!

Hardest workout: a failed progression run this fall in the wind + heat

Favorite memory: running CIM with my sister

Coldest run: -38*F in December in Minnesota

Hottest run: 78*F in Kauai, Hawaii

I’m honestly not sure what 2023 holds for me. It is going to be entirely different as I now live in a new state and have to figure out the racing scene here. In Anchorage, I would do the same races each year, and it was comforting to know all the logistics of the race: where to park, who my competition was going to be, the route, and it was always so fun seeing the same people at every race. (The running community in Anchorage is going to be hard to top.) But hopefully I can continue to run healthy and find some new races I enjoy just as much!

Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 1.1.23

    I always love reading this post each year!