I have now been in Minnesota for one month. It’s been quite the mix of emotions as I moved 3500 miles and left a place I knew for 15 years.
Overall, I am LOVING being back here, but that’s not to say there aren’t things I miss about the life we left. I do miss our incredibly amazing-tasting water, the drier air for my hair and skin, ‘my people’ (sports chiropractor, hair person, dentist, etc.), and we will miss the charter school Cullen was going to. However, I have been loving the sunshine and warm temps, being near family, being surrounded by super nice people, and the much lower prices for food, gas, and services. I do not miss all the rain Alaska has been having since we left!

Over the last month, we have had the chance to do a lot of fun summer things, which has been so fun. We spent the first week with my sister and went to multiple parks, the splash pad, and the cousins got a lot of time together. I am very glad we can do things like this more often! (We’re actually headed back up to their house this weekend!)

Two weeks after I flew to Minnesota, Craig, his dad, and Sadie arrived here safely. They had a pretty uneventful trip through Canada and the US, which is not a bad thing. They saw a ton of wildlife in Canada and didn’t have any issues with the trailer they were towing. They pulled a 5-foot by 8-foot trailer with all of our things inside, otherwise everything was sold!

As soon as Craig arrived, he was put to work on the farm. The boys have loved helping, but I think the novelty is wearing off some. But each season here is different, so hopefully they’ll get excited about new things: like riding in the tractor and combine during harvest. Craig does not miss office work and has really enjoyed the variety of work.

I did my part and practiced driving one of the trucks–luckily it was just the tractor part and no trailer was attached. I know how to drive a stick, but this is SO much harder than that! The wins that morning: driving one whole mile, getting up to 35 mph, and not grinding the gears too much.

The one thing that hasn’t been going well is my running. I haven’t been healthy since I arrived, and I’m so bummed about it. I have been injury-free the past two+ years, so I don’t know what happened! First it was my hamstring that I injured while wearing the Nike Alphaflys, and then somehow in the past 10 days or so, my glute started bugging me. It even hurt/ached while walking, which isn’t ideal. I’ve seen a physical therapist and a chiropractor in the past few days, and I think (hope) it is on the mend.

Lastly, I just had to share this sweatshirt because it was the most popular item in my LTK shop this past week. It is a $25 sweatshirt from Target, and I love the zipper and slightly different collar to it. I’ve already worn it multiple times since I got it a couple weeks ago.

I did do a 5 mile run this morning, and now I’m off to another physical therapy appointment. I’m hoping she will do some dry needling on my glute and nip this issue in the bud for good because I’ve got some running to do!