I wasn’t sure I would ever hit 100 miles again, but I did it. The last time I did this many miles was before kids, so I was proud of myself for accomplishing this goal. (And that my husband was willing to help make it happen and watch the boys as much as he did.) The second half of the week we got dumped on with snow, which meant a lot of treadmill miles and a couple runs in the fresh snow and COLD temps–6*F on Sunday. Seriously?! Already. . . sigh.
But 100 miles happened, and I am feeling strong but definitely ready for my taper going into CIM in three weeks. We leave for California in just a little over two weeks, so it will be here before I know it!

Here’s how my training went down this past week of November 15 – 21, 2021:
AM run – 10 miles | easy run | 8:30 average pace
An early morning run, but I caught the sunrise at the tail end now with Daylight Saving. Yeah!
PM run – 5 miles | easy run | 8:14 average pace
I went out for a quick second run before dinner while Craig was prepping food. I am enjoying the dry pavement because the snow will be here before I know it. Now I just have to run in the dark in the morning and the evening though. Boo! But I do have to say that I often feel better for my second run rather than my first.
10 miles | easy run | 8:25 average pace
Another 10 mile run, which has become the new 8 miles. I had to start this one earlier than normal as I had a speech appointment for Bjorn. However, I did not dress warm enough for this run and was SO cold at the end. Other than that I felt fine.
AM run – 9 miles | easy run | 8:22 average pace
I had intentions of doing my hard workout of the week today, but I didn’t have time during the day to get out when it was light out, so I had to push it to Thursday. I normally do my hard workouts on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, but I’m glad to have a little more flexibility self-coaching to CIM, so I don’t feel guilty for switching things up. (If I had only known this was my last dry pavement run for the next 6 months though.)
AM run – 14 miles | 5 x (1 mile @ 7:09 pace, 1 mile @ 6:31 pace)
We got DUMPED on with snow this day (about 18 inches in 24 hours), so this one had to be done on the treadmill. This was my first treadmill workout of the season, and I always feel like the first workout is a little bit of a rust-buster, but this actually went really well! This was one of the bulkiest workouts I have done going into a marathon, and I was shocked how “easy” it felt. I think that’s a good sign!
PM run – 5 miles | easy run | 8:00 average pace
I did this workouts on the treadmill after the boys went to bed. The only time I don’t run outside is when there is fresh snow on the ground, and there was no way I was going to plod through 12+ inches of snow. This meant I ran 19 miles on the treadmill this day. (Yes, I realize I’m insane.)
5 miles | easy run | 8:55 average pace
Normally I would do my longer run first in the morning, but since I had just stacked a lot of miles in a relatively short period of time the day before, I decided it would be best to swap them, so I went outside for 5 miles during Bjorn’s nap, and I immediately regretted it.
10 miles | easy run | 8:36 average pace
Since I was so miserable running outside earlier in the day, I decided the treadmill was a better option, so to the treadmill I went once again. This run, by no means, went by very quickly, but I did my best to distract myself by watching the NYC Marathon on YouTube, then I talked to my family for a few miles, and finally Craig and Bjorn were out in the garage for a bit to help break things up.
8 miles | easy run | 8:46 average pace
After so many double days and big workout days, this felt like a day off practically. Although, I did have my strength session with my coach after this run, so my muscles didn’t get too much of a break.
24 miles | long run | 8:39 average pace
Uffda! What a run! I’ve done 24 miles before marathons before, but to do this one in 6*F temps was another beast to conquer. I met a friend for the first 5 miles, which helped break it up, but it was still a long ways by myself in the dark and cold. I have to admit I was surprised my pace wasn’t any slower with the snow and cold I battled, but 3.5 hours of running is longer than I will be running my marathon, so hopefully this extra time on my feet pays off!

I did it! And we had pizza with Randy and his family afterwards!