The day is almost here. I hope I’m not getting ahead of myself, but I have a good feeling about tomorrow.
I have spent the last two years working to this day since Bjorn was born. And it has been nearly eight years since my coach planted this crazy idea in me that it might be possible to run a sub-3 hour marathon.

This picture if from 6 years ago when I won this same marathon. [Back then it was the Moose’s Tooth Marathon as part of the Big Wildlife Runs. Now it is the Humpy’s Marathon (different sponsor) as part of the Anchorage RunFest (race series also renamed).]
I’ve had a nearly flawless buildup over the past year–cutting only one run short this winter and missing a hard workout on the treadmill this winter due to a little niggle. I couldn’t have asked my body for much more.
I’ve carb-loaded, rested as much as I could have these past few days, and read Duel in the Sun and some of Mindset to mentally prepare.
I am ready as I’ll be, and I’m prepared that this might be my only opportunity to run a marathon this year as who knows if CIM (California International Marathon) will even happen in December.
Thank you to all of you for following me, cheering me, on a sending me so much love and support this past week. I will be thinking about all of these messages while I am running tomorrow!
Good luck!!