Making it Official . . . . Again

Five years ago I wrote this blog post on starting a new chapter in our lives. That chapter was starting to have kids, and nearly 5 years to the day, we are starting that chapter again!

That’s right. . . I’m pregnant with #2. We are excited to welcome another baby into the world this October. It’s been hard to keep this secret for 10 weeks, and some of you have probably figured it out by now–especially if you follow me on Instagram.

It’s crazy to think we’ll be back to the baby and newborn stage now that we’ve been out of it for several years, but we are excited and feel more confident since we’ve gone through it once already before. I know that every baby is different, so of course, it will be an entirely new experience in many ways.

At this point, I am 14 weeks along and feeling much better than I did during weeks 5-10 where I was MISERABLE. I wish I had had “morning” sickness, but instead I had all-day sickness, nausea, extreme tiredness unlike I’ve ever felt, no motivation to do anything, and wondered what I had gotten myself into. (Cullen’s 1st trimester wasn’t nearly as bad.)

I did run the Heart Run 5K this morning and wore my “I’m usually much faster when I’m not so freaking pregnant shirt,” which is how I announced the pregnancy to a lot of friends and coworkers.

I’ll write more later on details of the 1st trimester, how I found out, how I told Craig and Cullen, and what running was like in a future blog post. I am looking forward to sharing my running adventures with this pregnancy because so far this one has been much different than my first!

And now since I’ve announced it on social media, it’s official . . . again. 🙂

Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 4.20.19
    Lindsay said:

    Congrats, Michelle! Do you think that based on your different symptoms you are gearing up for a little Michelle? Can’t wait to follow along on the pregnancy updates. 🙂

    • 4.21.19
      Michelle said:

      That’s what everyone is saying! I sure hope so!

  2. 4.20.19
    Ariel Bussart said:

    Baby #2 is a whole new level of pregnant (at least in my opinion and most mom’s of multiples that I know)… So keep rocking it, but don’t kill yourself if you’re struggling!!! Congratulations!! Can’t wait to follow this journey! All the love and prayers to you, Craig, Cullen & baby Baxter!

    • 4.21.19
      Michelle said:

      Because you have to chase another child(ren) around?? Cullen is actually very independent and quite easy at this age, so I don’t feel like it’s him that’s wearing me out, but I have heard a lot of other people say that.

  3. 4.21.19
    Eugenia Martin said:

    SO happy for you Michelle. I am also 14 weeks with my first baby, due in October. Happy to be out of the first trimester, as the nausea, fatigue and food aversions were rough!

    • 4.21.19
      Michelle said:

      Congrats to you as well!

  4. 4.23.19
    Jenny said:

    Congratulations!!! Can’t wait to hear all the details. My first baby was a boy, then my second pregnancy was MUCH harder, and she was a girl : ) But who knows.. a little brother would be great for Cullen too!

    • 5.3.19
      Michelle said:

      I keep thinking it’s going to be a girl and most people say girl too. Time will tell!