It’s been a little while since I’ve had time to write a blog post. Life’s been busy–but then again isn’t it busy for us all!? I didn’t get many posts written in January, so let’s catch up on what happened.
Running is going quite well. My hamstring still bothers me from time to time, but I think it is improving. I’ve been going to dry needling, foam rolling it twice a day, and doing strength work at least twice a week. I wish it would just fully heal though!
I’ve branch out and did a few trail runs this past month! Who am I? My friend, Whitney, was in town (who I ran the New York City Marathon with) wanted to do a trail run. There was one Saturday I didn’t have to work, so we took advantage of the sunshine and hit up Prospect Heights for a 6 mile trail run. It was so pretty running over the stream!

I have also started doing some more serious interval/tempo work this past month. I did a couple workouts with the Alaska Endurance Project on Wednesday mornings at 6 a.m. at The Dome, which is our indoor 400 meter track. It is nice to have other people to workout with! Most of the workouts have been tempo workouts adding up to about 30 minutes. It it a really good workout, and I’m beat by the end.

Most of my weight training sessions have involved a lot of body weight exercises (push-ups, pull-ups, pistol squats, bridges, side plank with leg lift, etc.) versus heavy lifts. I am trying to get my right leg and glute as strong as my left leg to hopefully heal this high hamstring injury once and for all.
One day I decided to try some single-leg deadlifts on the blue side of the Bosu ball because doing them on the black side wasn’t too challenging anymore. Holy cow was that difficult–even just trying to balance on one foot was hard enough!
Since my left leg is the stronger leg, I can’t do them better, but they’re still not perfect.
I love keeping track of my runs and have been writing down my mileage in a log book for years. Surprisingly, I am constantly going back and flipping through previous years’ books for past splits or to see how far I’ve come.
This Compete Training Journal is one of my favorites. I like that the two-page layout is a full week, there is space to write my thoughts down for each workout, and I can give an overview at the end of the week.

My private one-on-one coaching business (PR Coaching) is doing well. I’ve taken on a few more athletes this month, which is exciting. I love helping people in their running goals, and I think there’s so much value in hiring someone to plan out your workouts.

Work at Skinny Raven is thriving, and the training groups I help coach are back in full swing now after a short hiatus for the holidays. We have an Intro to Run group for those new to running or getting back into running, and our Raven Run Club for those who have a running base already.
I have been working on the floor selling shoes on the weekend and coaching the training groups at 6 a.m. and/or 6 p.m. before or after Craig goes to work. It makes my weeks full, but I love the things I do!
My Beautycounter business is still just as fun trying new products, sharing safer skincare with others, and I can honestly say I’ve never been happier with my skin. My pores have decreased in size, I rarely have breakouts anymore, and my skin is buttery soft.
For those occasional breakouts, I love this SOS Acne Spot Treatment. I put it on at night, and by the morning, my pimple has significantly diminished in size.

Craig, Cullen, and I had a fun Martin Luther King, Jr. day together as Craig had the day off from work. We had lunch at Rustic Goat, went to the new REI in town, listened to a friend sing folk music at Middle Way Cafe, and then had friends over for The Bachelor that night.

We had some amazing food at Rustic Goat, and when I go back, I am definitely doing to order the cauliflower salad again in the upper left-hand corner of the picture.

Cullen is loving preschool these days and spending time with his friends. I have been working on his handwriting and just purchased this workbook to help him. He is at such a fun age, and I love our days together.

January was a good month, but I’m not too sad it’s over because I’m going to Hawaii this month! I’m so excited for the sun, warmth, wearing shorts, running on dry pavement, and hanging out with friends.
Hi,I came across your blog as I as searching through running with labrum tears/FAI. I have FAI and perhaps a tear as well. I’ve read through some of your older posts and am just curious how you went about overcoming this nagging injury? Would love to chat about it. Thanks!
I think ART (active release technique) helped and a lot of prayers ultimately healed me. I also did a steroid shot that helped for about 3 months.
Thanks so much for the response. I’ve had the issue going on for about 5 weeks now. The bad news is that it is a consistent mild pain; good news is that it doesn’t feel any worse when I work out. Currently breaking from running and doing PT, I will look into the ART.