Total miles: 2031
Average daily miles: 5.5 miles (366 days last year!)
Highest weekly mileage: 95 miles
Longest training run: 22 miles
Stroller miles: a lot
Double and triple workouts a day: too many to count
Superhero Showdown 5K – 2nd place
Alaska Heart Run 5K – 18:30 (PR)
Trent/Waldron Glacier Half-Marathon – 1:24:22 (PR) – 1st place
Grandma’s Marathon – 3:12:39
Her Tern Half Marathon – 1st place
PRs: 5K, half-marathon
Biggest highs: being in the best shape of my life and breaking 1:25 in the half marathon
Biggest lows: not running a sub-3 hour marathon and then spending the next 5 months injured
Hardest workouts: any that I still did after being up with Cullen multiple times during the night (which happened far too often)
Favorite memories: running in the rain with my sister the morning of her wedding, seeing Craig and Cullen at the end of my races
My coach: Nichole Porath
My assistant coach: my husband
I hope 2017 brings a lot of injury-free, happy miles for you! Thanks for reading, and I look forward to continuing to share my running adventures with you!!