Over the course of this year, we’ve had some big changes. I’ve gone from having a newborn to a (almost) walking, babbling, very interactive one year old. It has been fun to watch Cullen grow and learn new things every day, and I’m glad I get to see all of those firsts.
As for my running, that has changed 180 degrees in the last year too. At the beginning of 2015, I could barely run due to my C-section scar that caused discomfort on each run. With some guidance and coaching, I was able to peak at 75 miles this summer, set PRs in the 10K, 12K, half-marathon, and marathon and ultimately win the Moose’s Tooth Marathon, which is by far the highlight of my running career thus far.
Total Miles in 2015
2494 miles (The type-a in me wants to run 6 more miles to make it 2500.)
Toughest Workout (tie between these two)
**7 miles easy, 6 x 5 minutes @ tempo (6:30 pace), cool-down to 13.5 miles
**2 mile warm-up, 1 mile @ 6:00, 2 miles easy, 1 mile @ 5:50, 2 miles easy, 1 mile sub-5:50, 2 miles cool-down | 11 miles total
2015 Races and Race Recaps
11/26/15 – Turkey Trot 5K (Anchorage, AK) – 20:47
10/10/15 – Zombie Half-Marathon (Anchorage, AK) – 1:27:20 (PR)
9/27/15 – Kenai River Marathon Relay (Kenai, AK)
8/16/15 – Moose’s Tooth Marathon (Anchorage, AK) – 3:06:34 (PR – 1st place)
7/18/15 – Alaska Salmon Runs Half-Marathon (Cordova, AK) – 1:27:49
7/4/15 – Freedom Run 5-Miler (Waseca, MN) – 32:35
6/20/15 – Mayor’s Half-Marathon (Anchorage, AK) – 1:30:37
6/13/15 – Alaska Run for Women (Anchorage, AK) – 32:18 (PR)
6/5/15 – Twilight 12K (Anchorage, AK) – 48:26 (PR)
5/23/15 – Pulsator 10K (Anchorage, AK) – 40:09 (PR)
4/25/15 – Heart Run 5K (Anchorage, AK) – 19:31
2015 Highlights
Meeting my new running buddy – Brittany
Traveling to Minnesota this summer
Galavanting around Oregon for two weeks
Celebrating Cullen’s first birthday
It has been a good year for our family! We have been very blessed (albeit sleep deprived), and it is my hope and prayer that 2016 blesses us with more fun memories, a lot of family time, a good job for Craig so I can continue to stay at home with Cullen, and health and happiness.
Look at all those awesome PR’s!! What a special year for you and your family!
I’m glad to see you so happy with your life!! May God continue to bless you, Craig and Cullen with much happiness and a healthy 2016!