My health
I have been very blessed with very few health complications over the years. I couldn’t tell you the last time I went to the doctor (besides my pre and post-natal visits), I usually only get sick once or twice a year, and I am generally very healthy. I also carried a baby to term, which is not something everyone is able to do.
My husband
I am so thankful for Craig’s humor, his support for allowing me to stay at home with Cullen, a voice of reason when I can’t make up my mind, and being my number one running fan. I am very thankful I am not a single parent raising Cullen. I feel blessed he has been so helpful with Cullen, watching him during the weekends when I work, and being more of an overprotective parent than myself.
Even though none of my family lives here, I am still grateful they call often, FaceTime, and stay involved with Cullen and what’s going on in our lives.
This little kid keeps me laughing every day and is so fun to watch grow and develop. I want to be a better person for him.
(Of course you knew this was coming.) Running gives me so much joy. I love how I feel after going for a run and how it clears my mind. It keeps me striving to improve my fitness and challenges me to do things I never thought possible.
It took me several years to meet people I connected with up here, so it is so nice to finally have friends to hang out with and run with. (Most of my closest friends are also my running friends.)
Being able to travel
This year not only have I been able to go back home to Minnesota twice, but I also traveled to Cordova, AK and Oregon for two weeks. We usually get out of the state a couple times a year, which definitely helps with the isolation that comes with living here.
Then there are the little daily things that I am so thankful for but often take for granted: the fact I can leave my front door without being scared of being hurt, I have a roof over my head and bed to sleep on at night, and I have ample food and a variety of clothes to wear.
What are you thankful for this holiday season?