Unfortunately I won’t be able to race it, per my coach, but I will be doing it as a tempo run. I have been told I have to stick to the 6:30 minutes/mile tempo pace otherwise I jeopardize my performance next week at the half-marathon.
I am still excited that I get to start in the elite corral. Most of the races I’ve run don’t have an elite field or corral but with 6000+ women in this event, there’s a special area for those who will be running sub-7 minute miles.
Today’s (Friday) run was an easy 5 miler. I actually took Cullen in the stroller and ran (literally) to the grocery store to pick up a few items. I love killing two birds with one stone.
When I got back, Cullen had fallen asleep in the stroller, so I took Sadie (the pooch) for a walk. By this time I was really hungry.
turkey burger + Asian coleslaw salad + sweet potato
I worked at the store tonight while Grandma watched Cullen. He has four more teeth about ready to pop through, which will make eight teeth for this little guy! And, no, he hasn’t learned to swallow his own drool yet.
Anyone racing this weekend?
Favorite meal for lunch?
That is so cool you get to be in the elite corral! And that food looks amazing. My son was the same as Cullen, he had so many teeth so early! My daughter still has only 2 and she’ll be a year in two weeks, haha. I’ll be there this morning at the Run for Women but I registered yesterday so could only get in the untimed race, but oh well! It looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day for a run! Also, favorite lunch right now would have to be roast turkey sandwich with mustard, avocado, red onion and bell pepper and some roasted green beans to go with it.