Since I knew Craig was going to be out of town for the weekend, I did my long run on Friday morning. Thankfully it was a cut-back week, so it wasn’t a super long run (just 12 miles). Then on Saturday morning I ran 5 miles on the treadmill while Cullen played next to me. Trying to fit my runs in this weekend is when it really hit me how much different life would be if it was just me on this parenthood train.
My father-in-law actually watched Cullen during the day while I worked at Skinny Raven. He must have wore Cullen out because he went to bed at 7 p.m. and slept until 9 a.m. He woke up for his regular feedings every 3-4 hours, but that’s much longer than he usually sleeps!
Sunday morning we went to church. Thank goodness for friends who were willing to help me out during church too.
After the service, we ate delicious vegan food! Yum!
Then it was off to Target for a bunch of random items including: salsa, tea, razors, shaving cream, and socks. When we got back home, Craig was back from his man trip. (He spent weekend with a couple of guy friends shooting guns and doing other manly things.) The boys napped while I did laundry and ate lunch #2. (My appetite is through the roof these days with breastfeeding and running so much. It feels like it did when I was running 100 miles.)
We did go out for sushi last night at the Revolving Sushi Bar in town. Not the best sushi I’ve had, but it was still fun spending time with my boys.
Craig posted this picture on Facebook along with the following status:
Eating rotating sushi with the only fish in the sea for me and the small fry who was the result of us spawning together.
Gotta love the whit that comes from this guy’s mouth.
Hope your Monday is grand!