Things I’m Loving Lately IV

Here’s another round of “things I’m loving lately.” Hope you enjoy!

Herbal Essences Hello Hydration coconut-scented conditioner. I am a sucker for anything that smells or tastes like coconut, so I snatched this up when I was in need of some conditioner the other day.


Breakfast sandwiches made a regular appearance at my morning meals this week. This particular sandwich had an egg, bacon (from my parent’s farm), and a sprinkle of cheese on it. I also had a nectarine on the side. Yum!


Our Target has been carrying more flavors of LaCroix, which makes me very excited. Both Craig and I loved the apricot flavor.


I purchased this Volcano candle from Anthropology while in Minnesota. I absolutely love the smell and can’t wait to burn it often during the winter. (It feels odd burning a candle during the summer.)


I also stocked up on some Bath and Body Works products during my shopping spree. I love the scent of this Hello Sunshine lotion and think it is perfect for this sunshine-loving girl.


I’ve bought a handful of maternity tops, and I think all of them have been from Gap Maternity. I especially love this one, which is a navy blue and white striped tank top from their pure body line.


I’ve been reading a lot of the “mom” articles on that people have been sharing on Facebook. Part of me is glad I read them (so I know what to expect) and the other part of me wishes I hadn’t read them (because they kind of give me a bit of an anxiety attack).

I found this post on 7 Things I Will Do Differently for Baby #2 very interesting.

7 Ways Becoming a Mom Made Me More Like My Husband – I already knew some of these things would happen to me, but all of them. . . .hopefully not.

A Letter to My Pre-mom Self – I KNOW things will be different post-baby, but posts like this make me a little anxious with how much my life is going to change.

Craig said he would be willing to take my place in a maternity photo shoot like this guy did, but I told him he wasn’t allowed to gain that much weight. I’m not sure if it is cute or creepy. Yeah, creepy. . . .



What is some things you are loving right now?

Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 8.16.14

    I love that conditioner! It’s my favorite, haha!

  2. 8.16.14

    I had travel samples of that shampoo and conditioner, I liked it too! I am also a sucker for anything coconut. I guess I just like being reminded of the beach!
    I found this “I love.. Coconut and Cream” nourishing body butter at a Rite-Aid in San Diego. It has the nicest scent. I’m going to try to find it in Anchorage, wish me luck!

    Yeah, it just dawned on me there is no BBW here. Hmmm… I still cannot believe that.
    Anyway, my other current favorite lotion is St Ives coconut milk and orchid extract. It has a delightful tropical scent and it is very nice to my skin. I was looking at lotions in the store and a woman grabbed a bottle. I asked her if she was a regular user of that lotion and she said yes, because she loves the scent, so I bought it. I love it too!

    You are the cutest pregnant lady! Hope you are feeling as good as you look! Enjoy these last few months with your hubby, life will never be the same (In a good way!) but don’t be afraid to take your baby places. We never were and our daughter is well behaved in restaurants, I never fear taking her to lunch, dinner (unless it’s date night) or happy hour. She is so good! Maybe we are just lucky but I think it’s because she has always gone out with us.

    • 8.16.14
      Michelle said:

      I will have to check out the St. Ives lotion! That sounds delightful.

      I told my husband we need to do one last babymoon before it is no longer just the two of us! I’ve heard the changes are good; I just know it is going to be different. I hope we can take our son/daughter places and not worry about their behavior–especially since we will be into winter. I don’t want to get cabin fever any worse than I already do!

  3. 8.18.14
    Sarah said:

    i love that coconut shampoo/conditioner! well, i love coconut anything. 🙂

    and i totally hear you on those mom articles on facebook/the internet in general. i’m not a mom yet so i really should stop reading them because they just anger me. i’ve had convos about this with older friends and family and it seems like our generation has created so much drama with parenting. of course, i’m speaking from no personal experience but i have friends in both camps–the obsessive parents and the more laid back ones and i see such a difference in their lives- how they relate to friends, careers, etc. after baby. my parents were pretty laid back so i feel like there’s hope! for instance, they took me on vacation when i was 6 weeks old, driving from indiana to colorado for a week. interesting stuff to consider…

    • 8.18.14
      Sarah said:

      and i didn’t mean for this to sound harsh so don’t take it that way! kids are great and having them does require changes in your life, i just find it interesting that so many people find balance difficult after kids. it’ll be an adjustment i’m sure. 🙂

      • 8.18.14
        Michelle said:

        I definitely did not think it was harsh. I know things are going to be different, but I hope the transition is easier than most people make it sound these days!

    • 8.18.14
      Michelle said:

      ME TOO!!! I have had conversations with older friends/family members, and they make it sound like pregnancy/delivery/the infant stage wasn’t as bad as people make it sound these days!! I don’t know what it is, but I sure hope the transition is as “easy”/manageable those older friends/family make it seem.