I did cut back on my mileage this week after increasing for 4 weeks. This week I hit 33 miles with only one run that was difficult, but I think that was due to my old shoes that need to be replaced.
Otherwise, I still have been feeling good and most of my runs have been averaging under 8:30 minutes/mile, which I am definitely happy about. I am enjoying these runs before I get too big and uncomfortable.
Running and workouts for the week of May 5 – 11
5 miles/42:18/average pace – 8:27
Ran with a friend, which is always fun. I think we were running faster than 8:27 though. My watch doesn’t pick up a good signal on the trail that we ran on, and it definitely felt faster than that. We chatted about Kara Goucher signing with Sketchers, good racing flats, babies, and nutrition.
4 miles/32:52/average pace – 8:13 + 75 minute Deep Stretch yoga class
Easy run in the early morning. I did 6 striders at the end of the run for some leg turn-over. I also went to a yoga class in the evening that focused on holding stretches poses for 2-3 minutes, which was good because I never hold a stretch that long on my own.
6 miles/48:08/average pace – 8:00 + 30 minutes of weight lifting
I did a 25 minute tempo run with mile paces of: 7:30, 7:46, and 7:48. I felt good, but I definitely can’t push myself like I used to be able to. I was still happy with these times.
6 miles/51:06/average pace – 8:27
Ran this with a friend as well. We saw a bald eagle really close to the trail, which was awesome. We ran the 10K route for an upcoming race to scope out the route. I signed up for the 10K, but I can’t decide if I should run the 10K or the half-marathon at the race.
3 miles/27:04/average pace – 9:00
This run was tough. As odd as it sounds, I think this run was tough because my shoes are really old. My legs felt really sluggish and unresponsive.
I was going to do my long run today, but I woke up hungry, had something to eat, and then got unmotivated. So instead I did my long run on Sunday, which worked out fine.
9 miles/1:14/average pace – 8:19
Felt pretty good on this run. Some miles were better than others, but overall a decent run. I am glad this distance still feels doable.
Total: 33 miles
That’s a pretty awesome week! I think Matt and I talked about Kara signing with Sketchers on our Monday run too.
Great week of running!! As usual. 😉
another solid week! keep it up 🙂