Belated Birthday Fun

I thought this weekend was going to be kind of lame, but it turned out to be a really fun weekend.

Friday after work I took Sadie to the dog park. It was chilly but still nice to get outside and enjoy the fresh air. Afterwards I went home and did some computer work and things around the house. Oh the exciting life I lead.


I was really enjoying that the sun was rising around 7 a.m., but we are back to an 8:00 a.m. sunrise now with daylight savings (boo!) and a 9:00 p.m. sunset (weird!). Why can’t you be normal, Alaska? Saturday I didn’t lollygag around the house; instead I set out for my morning run right away. It still is cold here. I don’t know what the temperature was (probably upper teens), but I am still wearing two pairs of pants and three layers on top. I will never get used to how late spring is here in Alaska.


After the run I refueled with my chocolate UCAN. I actually don’t care for the chocolate as much as the vanilla I had the first time. Maybe I’m not that much of a chocolate-lover and can’t do chocolate that early in the morning. Anyway, I still like having this to drink when no real food sounds appealing.


That, of course, didn’t fill me up, so I made myself an egg sandwich on an English muffin after a while. I have been loving this simple, savory sandwich in the mornings. I can’t get over how delicious they are! I crack an egg in a hot cast iron pan; brake the yolk because I don’t like runny yolks; flip when cooked on the first side; and then sprinkle a little bit of salt, pepper, and shredded cheese on top. Served on a toasted English muffin, hits the spot every time.


Sadie got spoiled this weekend and went to the dog park twice in one weekend. This time we went to the dog park on the east side of town and walked around University Lake.

Saturday afternoon I spent my time getting my locks redone before we go to Hawaii! I have finally found a salon and stylist I love. My stylist did an amazing job, and I am so thankful I found someone I trust to do my hair. (It only took me 6 years.)

DSC_0032I went to Sona Vita, a spa located in an office building that you wouldn’t really expect to have a hair salon. I have gone there twice and love the atmosphere and experience.


Afterwards it was time to get dinner. I still had a gift card to House of Bread, so I stopped by to get a sandwich.


I was quite disappointed with the last couple of sandwiches I got there, but this Veggie Delight sandwich made up for the other duds. I really enjoyed this sandwich and would definitely get it again. DSC_0020

Saturday evening was another evening spent at home doing things around the house. I don’t know when other people do these things, but I am that lame person that stays at home cleaning the interior of our cars, organizing my fridge, vacuuming, and taking winter decorations down—despite what it still looks like outside, on a Saturday evening.

At 9:00 p.m. on Saturday I turned the time on all of my clocks forward one hour and called it bedtime.

Sunday morning I hit the weights for a strength session. I spent 30 minutes weight lifting, focusing on my glutes (which need to stay strong in order to keep my hamstrings healthy), core, and shoulders.


When I got in the car to drive to church, it was 10*F. . .brr!!


After church, I met up with Lauren and Carol for a belated birthday celebration. DSC_0054We first went to the 5th Avenue Mall to get manicures. I love how each color fit everyone perfectly.


Then we did a little shopping (Okay, just I did some shopping.) and hit up a few stores. I have only been in a Sephora a couple of times (Yes, living in Alaska has caused me to live under a rock.), but man did I find some good items there. Thank goodness for the very helpful employees who directed me to the right products.  DSC_0062Afterwards we walked to Alaska Cake Studio for an afternoon treat.


I had a decaf Americano and a cheesecake brownie. Delish!DSC_0055  My evening wrapped up with a walk to have dinner with friends. On my way this moose was munching on his own dinner.


And that’s a wrap. I hope everyone had a good weekend and is ready for the week ahead.

Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 3.9.14

    Your hair looks really nice! And I loooove Sephora.. I wonder if there’s a woman who doesn’t? When I’m in the US I go crazy at that store.

  2. 3.10.14
    nlporath said:

    You don’t like the chocolate as much??? I’m in LOVE with it! Too bad we don’t live close, I have an entire vanilla container that I’d love to swap with you!! 🙂

  3. 3.10.14
    Sarah said:

    your hair looks SO cute! love it.

  4. 3.10.14
    Krissie J said:

    Love your hair!! So pretty!

  5. 3.10.14
    Sarah said:

    The super blonde is so pretty- it’ll be perfect for Hawaii!

  6. 3.11.14
    Jenn said:

    That egg sandwich is exactly what I just made, at 4am because I’m due any day and woke up starving!!! 🙂

    It’s fun you mention how late spring gets going in Alaska, because I feel that way in Minnesota compared to growing up in Colorado. I think 6in melted today though!

    • 3.11.14
      Michelle said:

      I’ve always said (and will continue to say) it is all relative for sure!! I’ve especially learned that after moving to Alaska. I agree, though, that MN winters are no fun either!!

  7. 3.11.14
    Karen said:

    I hate following Facebook friends in different places sometimes. When we lived in Alaska, their summer appeared in April/May, winter stuck around much longer than that. Now here living in CA, I’m still jealous of those in the Midwest that get to wear shorts in the summer. Our summer is like Anchorage, cloudy, foggy, and 60F. Both of us need to move somewhere with 4 evenly divided seasons, hey?

  8. 3.12.14
    Heather said:

    Thanks for the tip on the salon. I’m looking for some place to get my hair done. I’m nervous because the same person did my hair for 14 years. I did have her do my hair when I was in Colorado in January.
    I was surprised Alaska participated in daylight savings time. Seriously, how much daylight do we need to save? This is like material for a stand up comic!
    Anyway, I’m not enjoying DST, it’s too dark the morning, it was just getting perfect I thought.
    Oh well, time to start looking into blackout curtains…

    • 3.15.14
      Michelle said:

      Whenever I go home I go back to my local salon to have my hair done too. I agree that the daylight in the morning was finally getting to be normal. Haha! Yep.