On Saturday we had our house warming party and several friends and family members came to see our new house.
I went into work early and then spent Friday afternoon and evening preparing food. I made pumpkin bread—gluten free and regular bread with pureed pumpkin from the pumpkin we carved last weekend, Kale and Potato Soup (with bacon!), Raspberry Oatmeal Bars, and a shredded brussel sprout salad.
(Picture taken before we moved in.)
I definitely enjoyed my extra hour and woke up ready to celebrate Craig’s 29th birthday on Sunday. After church and serving our lunch meal, we went to the dog park with Sadie. She loved running around and exploring. Then it was off to the coffee shop to hang out and play a board game.
The birthday boy!
We played the game Sequence while sipping on coffee.
Afterwards we went on a hot date to Home Depot for a sump pump and drill. Oh the joys of home ownership.
As for running . . . . . .after taking most of last week off, I was getting way too antsy and finally went for a run at 4:15 a.m. on Friday morning before work. Yes, I’m crazy. I also went out for a 6 mile run on Saturday and could have sworn it was November in the Midwest: 40*, no snow, and crisp fall air. It was amazing and exactly how fall should be!
Now that I’ve had my little break from running, I am definitely looking forward to getting back to my early morning runs this week. I often think how nice a break from running would be, but then when I am in the midst of the break, I feel weak, less accomplished, and basically like a slob. But these little breaks remind me of why I do what I do, so I am thankful.
sounds like a great weekend!