Saturday morning I ran 10 miles. This is more than I would run two weeks post-marathon, but I have been feeling good, so I felt confident I would be able to run this distance without any problems.
I was good until mile 7 when I felt the marathon fatigue start to set in. It wasn’t intense fatigue, but I definitely felt more tired than usual and it felt like I was at mile 19 of the marathon.
I finished running an average pace of 7:48 minutes/mile—nothing speedy, but I was still satisfied with the overall pace.
I spent the next hour foam rolling and refueling while I perused the internet. I was catching up on blogs, shopping at H&M, reading Kara Goucher’s Twitter feeds, and liking things on Facebook. I remember when my family first got the internet, I felt like I could spend hours on there because there was so much to look up! I guess not much has changed.
After showering and getting ready, I headed downtown to do some shopping. Skinny Raven was having a Dansko sale. I purchased this pair with a $20 off coupon.
I have to admit though, I’m not sure if I’m going to keep them. For those of you who do not live up here, EVERYONE wears Danskos in Alaska: soccer moms, business professionals, teachers, old women, a few men, your middle-incomed person, millionaires—the point is EVERYONE. I purchased my first pair a year after living up here and a second pair two years later. I can’t deny how comfortable they are. I can wear them to work all day, stand at my desk and be on my feet for several hours, and they do not make my feet tired or sore. (Hence the reason they are popular with nurses.) But I have this weird dichotomy where I want to be trendy, but I will fight the trend when EVERYONE is wearing something. For example, I have yet to buy a pair of Uggs or a Coach purse (One of my friends said C = common.). Anyway, I like the Danskos, but they are getting to be that item that I don’t want since everyone has them. Weird, I know.
Saturday I also took Sadie for two walks. She loves to sniff everything! It takes us nearly half an hour to go a mile, but at least she enjoys it.
I took today (Sunday) off from running. I had every intention of going for a run but the day slipped away. I always try to get as many things crossed off my to-do list on Friday night and Saturday morning, but somehow I still always end up finding myself scrambling to get everything done before I go to bed on Sunday—hence the reason it is 10:30 p.m., and I am still up!
Good night!!
I am the same way about trends and the most popular products! I am probably the only girl in my high school who has never owned Uggs… and never will!