Fish Oil and Glucosamine

DSC_0010 It has become quite chilly in the mornings. I’ve had to pull out the light jackets and this morning I wore my compression socks for some additional warmth–although my calves and lower legs are the last part to get cold. Oh well. I’m still holding strong in shorts or a skirt every morning. I can’t give into the capris yet!

It is definitely turning to fall here. Patches of leaves on the trees are changing colors, chilly morning temps, and sunset before 9 p.m! But I’m still enjoying it because there is no snow yet.


This morning I ran my favorite 10 mile loop through South Anchorage. I am really going to miss running this loop.

Distance: 10 miles

Time: 1:17

Workout: 2 x (2 miles at marathon pace, 1 mile at half-marathon pace)

Splits: (7:30, 7:32, 7:36 <–grr, hill!) (7:28, 7:26, 7:21)

I didn’t push the pace quite as hard today as I have other times I have completed this workout. Overall it went well, and I felt good—no complaints which is always a good thing.


On the menu for dinner tonight was this recipe for Spicy Mexican Chicken Pasta. . . .go make it now! Easy and delicious!!


I’ve been taking fish oil for about two years and glucosamine for over a year. At first I was skeptical that they would make a difference, and I would be throwing my money away. I spent a lot of time considering if it was worth it. I knew I wouldn’t be hurting my body, but I am also really conscientious with my money.

I finally bit the bullet when I got a recommendation from a nurse practitioner. I had actually gone to see her for food allergy testing/sensitivities. In addition to discussing my food sensitivities, she also recommended I take fish oil.

I have been taking this particular brand of Pure Alaska Omega fish oil, which I purchase at Costco.


I don’t know if it is sold at other Costcos since the items they carry are dependent upon the area, but what I like about this fish oil is that it is made with 100% natural salmon oil. No anchovy, no sardines, no other odd fish—100% wild Alaskan salmon.

I have never been able to find any other brands of fish oil that are only comprised of Alaskan salmon, so I hope our Costco continues to carry this brand because I do not foresee myself buying any other brand.


Like I mentioned before, I took fish oil for about a year before starting with the glucosamine. I had read about other bloggers taking both fish oil and glucosamine, but once again I was skeptical. I wasn’t sure it was going to be worth my money. I hummed and hawed—just like I do with everything in my life—before finally picking some up at Costco.

I simply chose this brand because it was one of the cheaper brands. (I think there was an instant coupon.)


The verdict?

I’m a believer! I definitely do think the fish oil and glucosamine work and have helped me. My joints used to get really sore after every long run. There was muscle soreness from running for 3+ hours, but there was also joint stiffness and soreness. I won’t forget the feeling of my achy hips and knees after my first 20-mile run. It was not unbearable, but they definitely were feeling the effects from all those miles.

After consistently taking two pills of each supplement every day, I can’t tell you the last time my joints were achy from a long run. My muscles will still get some mild soreness and they are usually a little tight, but I can tell my joints aren’t achy like they used to be. I also don’t experience the joint soreness during or after a marathon like I did during my first marathon.

Now of course, I have conditioned my body over the past few years to better tolerate the high mileage, but I can tell there is a difference. All-in-all I really think these two products have protected my joints to better handle the mileage I’m putting on them, and I would recommend them to other runners!


Have you ever tried taking fish oil or glucosamine? What have been your results?

Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 9.17.13
    Rebecca said:

    I have heard about fish oil and the benefits, weird question but does it have a fishy after taste?

    • 9.19.13
      Michelle said:

      No fishy after-taste, but occasionally I will burp a fishy after-taste. It isn’t that bad though. Sorry if that was gross.

      • 9.19.13
        Rebecca said:

        Not gross at all, honesty is appreciated! I will continue to think on it. I eat salmon a couple of times a week so I am getting some good oils and nutrients that way:)

  2. 9.18.13

    I’ve had people tell me that fish oil changed their lives. I’ve been taking it for about 4 months and havn’t noticed any difference. Once my supply runs out I think I’m done.
    I’ve tried glucosomine a few times also, usually when my training miles are going up and I want to try and protect my joints. I always buy on the 2 for 1 deal at CVS and have 6 months supply. Again, I noticed no difference in how my joints felt. A friend of mine is a research biologist. She did a study and found that less than 1% of the glucosomine ended up in the joint/cqartlidge tissue.
    I know that there are lots of studies on both sides for both supplements. My personal experience is that they do not do any thing for me. I wish they did. 😉

    • 9.23.13
      Michelle said:

      The human body always amazing me and how vastly different each person is! I always think, “if this worked for me, of course it will work for everyone else,” but that is not always the case.