I’ve been enjoying every last minute of summer that I can. We have been having gorgeous weather, and I do not want it to end! I have also been absent because my parents were in town for a week. We were busy fishing, camping, visiting Denali, and seeing the sights around Anchorage. I’m going to do a longer post on our Alaska adventures so if you ever come and visit Alaska yourself, you will have some ideas of things you can do!
Craig, me, my mom, and my dad in Denali National Park
Just a few random things about my week. . . . .
1. Highlight of the week: there is now a Lululemon Showroom in Anchorage. This is so exciting! I can’t believe we finally have a Lululemon in town. However, this is going to be very dangerous! I only bought one item so far—and it wasn’t even for myself. (Now that’s self-control.) I bought a pair of shorts for Craig. He literally lives in the Pace Breaker Shorts. He wore his first pair so much, he wore the crotch out and it now has a large hole in it! (Oops, was that TMI, Honey? Sorry.) Luckily Lululemon opened the very next day in town, so I was able to surprise him with a new pair.
2. I picked up this Pro Bar Halo bar at REI when I was in need of an afternoon snack. I liked it. It had a good flavor, but it was about $1 and for only 120 calories, that’s kind of expensive. (Yes, I figure out cost per calorie.) I usually pay about $1 for the bars with 200 calories, so I had to dig deep into my pocketbook for this purchase.
3. These Chocolate Dipped Coconut Luna bars, are seriously like a candy bar! They are so good and with “only” 11 grams of sugar, I think that’s a pretty sweet deal.
4. I hope I didn’t break some code of running ethics by wearing a race t-shirt before I actually run the race. On Wednesday I picked up my bib for the Alaska 10K Classic (which I am running Saturday morning!) and naturally they were handing out the race shirts. I wore mine the very next morning on my 8 mile run, so I hope I didn’t break a running rule??
5. And like I just mentioned, I am running the Alaska 10K in the morning. I PRed last year with a time of 41:49, which is a 6:43 minutes/mile pace. I’ve definitely got my work cut out for me tomorrow if I want to PR again! Wish me luck!
that’s a super cute race shirt! hope your race went well today 🙂
I love the v-neck of the race shirt! Wish more of the races here did cuts like that for their tees!