Running Musicless

Yeah! It’s the weekend!! The time for sleeping in, wearing pajamas until way too late in the day, and long runs.

My body must know when it needs to prep for a long run and pack those glyocogen stores full of carbs because every Friday I am famished! I have been hungry all day long and have eaten everything in sight. I am so glad I don’t blog about everything I eat because I would be embarrassed to show you how much I’ve eaten today.

I did a quick 3-miler before work this morning. At the beginning of the week, I wasn’t having any hamstring pain but that was not the case these past two days. After mile two, I started to feel my hamstring twinge in pain this morning. Not good! I wish I had a magic pill to fix it.

Distance: 3 miles

Time: 27 minutes

Comments: The hamstring pain has returned, but it was still a good run nonetheless.


I’ve never been one to listen to music when I run. I don’t know what it is, but I find it distracting and annoying. Any time I’ve tried to run with headphones, I end up stopping the music or taking out my earbuds. I just can’t do it.

Running through middle school, high school, and college, I was always running with others, so there was never a reason to listen to music. We had more important things to discuss: who was dating who, what we were going to do after practice, and complain about professors or how much homework we had. Then after college, as I did more runs on my own, I guess I just found it natural to continue to go musicless.


Yesterday as I was running in the morning morning, I started to pay attention to my surroundings and listen. I heard the birds chirping, an airplane fly overhead, my feet softly hitting the pavement, and the rhythm of my breath.

I enjoyed it. I enjoyed hearing those sounds; they were soothing and calming to me. Plus, the mornings are always so peacful. Hardly anyone else is up, and I feel as though I have to world to myself.

See? No music.


I don’t think I will ever grow tired of these sounds—they are the music to my ears. (And cheesyness over.)

DSC_0005I know many people find it very motivating to listen to up-beat music while they run, and I definitely don’t fault them. I’m probably in the minority for not listening to music while I run, but either way, the most important part is that you are getting out there and exercising.


Hey, Anchorage-locals! Be sure to come out Wednesday, May 15 at 7 p.m. and run (or walk!) a 5K in support of the OneFunBoston. You’d better believe Craig and I are going to be there, so be there or be square! And come say hi!

Boston Strong 5K Facebook Page



What’s your preference tunes or no tunes when you run?

What’s on your schedule for the weekend?

Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 5.3.13
    Brooke said:

    I’m with you on the no tunes, especially when running outside. This weekend I’m running the Safari Park Half Marathon!!

  2. 5.3.13

    I don’t usually listen to music, but I will once in a while as a treat on an easy day. Today was my last run before Sunday’s marathon, so I treated myself to some music. It was a really nice 2 mile run 🙂

  3. 5.4.13
    Breenah said:

    I HAVE to have music. I’m very fidgety and always readjusting something, so having the music helps take my mind off of whether my clothes are 100% comfortable or not riding up.

  4. 5.4.13
    Sarah said:

    sometimes i listen to music, and other times i don’t. it just depends. but when i do, i only use one earbud (because the other is broken & it’s just safer to be able to hear cars better). 🙂 but i totally get not liking music while running.

  5. 5.8.13

    We appreciate your support here in Boston. The TV trucks are still at Copley Square and I wonder when they will go away. I also WISH they would go away. I’ve been there twice and fee like a zoo animal on display and being observed.

    I like to run sans music and take in my surroundings. I’ve never really run w/ music, so I might like it,

    • 5.9.13
      Michelle said:

      Wow! I can’t believe the TV trucks are still in Copley Square.