Winter Coat Advice

I hit up the gym this morning for some weight lifting. I am taking every third day off from running in order to help my body to heal. I should have done cardio, but I just wasn’t feeling it.


At work today I got the largest file ever! This was a beast, but thankfully about half of those papers were irrelevant to the file. IMG_1783

After work today, Craig and I went to The Dome for some exercise. Craig did a sprint workout while I walked—since I was taking the day off from running. Our roles have reversed! Craig has been working out like a madman running, lifting weights, and trying the accomplish the 100 push-up challenge and the 200 sit-up challenge.


Breakfast is all ready for devouring in the morning. Prepping my breakfast the night before helps so much when getting ready in the morning and trying to get to work on time.

Overnight Oats

– Spinach protein smooth: almond milk + spinach + Sunwarrior protein powder (my favorite!) + instant coffee (the key ingredient). In the morning I will add one frozen banana (also a key ingredient), plus a couple of ice cubes.



Now onto more important things. I need help choosing which winter jacket to buy. I know it may seem odd that I am looking for a winter coat now that winter is almost over, but this is when everything goes on sale! Plus, we will be lucky if all the snow is melted by May. . . .and that’s no joke!

There are pros and cons to each coat (I’ve tried them all on.), but I’m afraid I would be too leading if I wrote out the pros and cons, so you’ll just have to go based off their looks.

1. Marmot Montreal Coat,0,0,0,0,arial,0,0,0,0_SX500_.jpg

2. The North Face Arctic Parka

Screen shot 2013-02-20 at 6.51.54 PM

3. The North Face Metropolis ParkaScreen shot 2013-02-20 at 6.56.37 PM



Which coat do you like the best? (Or maybe you have another suggestion!)

Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 2.20.13
    Christine said:

    #2! super cute and fitted!

  2. 2.21.13

    I love the fitted look of the middle one, but would it be too bulky with a big sweater on. I love the hood on the last one. The color is the drawback, to me, of the first one. but the length is a plus. I would go with one of the black. You can’t beat North Face.

    The Kidless Kronicles

  3. 2.21.13
    Emma said:

    Up here in New England we are serious about our winter coats. everyone seems to be wearing the north face one, but i recently purchased the Lands End version and ohmahgawd it’s divine. It’s called the Women’s f(x) down coat and it comes in three lengths. it’s Waterproof, machine washable, has little sleeve extensions with thumbholes, and is so warm I can wear a t-shirt underneath and not feel cold. And it’s on clearance right now!
    I know I sound like I’m shilling for the company but I’m not. i took a chance on this one after a particularly cold & soggy commute left me grumpy and I’m so pleased. Anyway, there’s my vote!

    • 2.21.13
      Michelle said:

      Thanks for the suggestion. I am looking it up right now.

  4. 2.21.13
    keegan said:

    I love the first one! The second one doesn’t look warm enough, and the third doesn’t look like it has any shape to it.

    Props to Craig on his fitness kick! Is he training for anything in particular?

    • 2.21.13
      Michelle said:

      Actually, the second one is by far the warmest. (Interesting that it doesn’t appear that way.)

      • 2.22.13
        keegan said:

        Ooh! Then I change my vote to #2. 🙂

  5. 2.21.13

    First time commenting, long-time lurker… but I had to get in on the winter coat action. Im from Aus, not used to temps below the 40s and neeeeded a coat to get through the NYC winter. I ended up with the second one, from North Face. Freaking love it. I feel like Im impervious to the elements. It has 550 down (not sure what its a measure of, but I know it can be compared to other coats for warmth factor). It is about as warm as they come, and it doesnt look marshmellow-ey…Expensive but worth it!

    • 2.21.13
      Michelle said:

      Awesome! Thanks for the comment. (Feel free to comment more in the future. 😉 ) I remember reading about the 550 down ratings–basically it is the fill of down, and the higher the number–in theory–the warmer, but I am not always convinced that’s true.

  6. 2.21.13
    Michaela said:

    If the second one is warm enough, definitely that one! Otherwise, the first.

  7. 2.21.13
    Sarah said:

    i like #2!

  8. 2.21.13
    Kim said:

    Thanks for the smoothie recipe! And, I vote for number 1. Adorable!

  9. 2.22.13
    Lauren said:

    I reallllly like #2. I want it!

  10. 2.22.13
    Stephanie Edgerton (@StephNowirun) said:

    I like #2!
    Just had overnight oats for breakfast yesterday. 🙂 They are so good. I’m always so bummed that I’m allergic to bananas when I see people put them in oats and smoothies!

    • 2.22.13
      Michelle said:

      Actually, lately I have been added frozen mixed berries instead–delicious!