It was warmer here than it was in Phoenix, AZ. 45*F vs. 35*!! But we are now back to normal temperatures. However, I can deal with the low 30s—it sure beats temps in the single digits or below digits.
AM – 6 miles/47:50 ~ On the treadmill because I didn’t want to risk falling on the ice. I ran at a faster pace than I am able to run outside. It felt good to get some faster miles in for the week since the snow and cold really slows my pace down.
PM – 25 minutes weight lifting
I went back into the classroom! (I used to be a teacher for those who didn’t know.) There is a program through my employer where we go into classrooms and read a book to kindergarten and 1st graders. It was weird to be back in the classroom!
This was the book I picked out to read. I thought it was really cute.
AM – 4 miles/time: ? (watch died) ~ Woo hoo! Two whole days with absolutely no glute pain!
PM – 10 minutes stationary bike + 30 minutes weight lifting
Coffee date before work with the husband. I love our coffee dates. It is our chance to sit down and actually catch up.
AM – 10 minutes stationary bike + 20 minutes weight lifting
PM – 4 miles/36 minutes–> 1.75 miles outside, 2.25 miles at The Dome. I attempted to do some speed work—nothing all-out but rather something to get a little leg turnover in. I was going to run 3 sets of 6 minutes intervals, but after about 4 minutes into the interval, I started feeling it in my glute, so I decided to back off. I was bummed, but I am still early on in the recovery phase.
AM – 3 miles/25 minutes ~ On the treadmill–too slippery outside. Walked on the treadmill at a 13% incline for an additional 20 minutes.
Craig and I had lunch from House of Bread. House of Bread is very much like Great Harvest. I had a veggie sandwich, which I loved, and Craig had an “everything” sandwich.
Friday night we tried curling for the first time at the Anchorage Curling Club. Sadly, I forgot to bring our camera, so I have no photographs to share. I thought it was pretty fun, but I got cold quickly despite wearing 3 layers on top, 2 pairs of pants, hat, and mittens. Sigh. I’m trying. Surprisingly I did quite well.
AM – 3 miles/27:45 ~ I had to take it easy because of the ice outside.
10 mile run ~ Yeah! Longest run I’ve done since the marathon. I was so happy to get back into the double digits. My horizontal butt crack (sits bone area) did start to bother me around mile 6.5. Eep, I hope I didn’t injury myself more. I think I’ll have to have my PT do some dry needling on that area at my appointment this week.
Saturday night I met a few coworkers for dinner at Humpy’s. It was the first time I’d been to Humpy’s. I have never been particularly thrilled with most grill and bar food, but I was thoroughly impressed with the Cobb Salad I had last night. I would definitely order it again.
Our priest shared a message this morning, which was just what I needed to hear. He talked about the importance of doing things you don’t like for people you love.
AM – 30 minutes weight lifting
What was a highlight of your week?
Just wanted you to know I really look forward to your posts. Hope you’re 100% soon!
I haven’t been back in any school or classroom since I quit teaching. I imagine that it would be very weird!!
I love that you guys have coffee dates. That is so great! I need to do that with Greg on a regular basis.
If it’s any consolation, it’s 17˚ here in Maryland…
Looks like you had a great week! I’m not sure if I could run in the snow. I live in North Carolina so I’m a big weenie when it comes to cold weather and exercise 😉