One thing I have not been particularly happy about is the fact that global warming has seemed to skip out on Alaska. It has been in the 60s in Minnesota (not typical!) lately, but we have been having below average temperatures over the last year! “Life’s not fair, Michelle.” (Words proclaimed by my father that will forever echo in my head.)
These temperatures didn’t stop me from running this morning though. I did another run/walk in hopes of preventing any further aggravation to my glute. I did a run/walk on Monday, took the day off on Tuesday, and then did another run/walk again this morning. I am definitely trying to be careful and not push it.
I completed 2.75 miles of walking and running, which included 2 miles total of running. I did the same thing Monday and tried to extend the length of the running portions this morning. I seriously take A LOT of walk breaks because I am super paranoid that my glute is going to flare up again. I probably stopped to walk and stretch a total of 8-10 times on this run.
I have already been formulating my Christmas wish list in my head. I don’t think this Hot Cheeks Skirt is going to make it to the list though because I’m going to have to purchase it before that. I don’t want Lululemon to run out of them online.
Now I just need to decide on a color. Black, white, or red/orange. Decisions, decisions!
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with whomever you are celebrating with!
I MUST give you an e-hug for running in that temperature!! My goodness! I’m in NC so I’m FULLY shocked that not only is it 7 degrees but IN NOVEMBER!!! I know it’s Alaska, but still! I lived in Pittsburgh for a few years but I wasn’t yet a runner. May you get some unseasonably warm temps soon! Happy Thanksgiving!
Yeah, I agree 7 degrees in November is a bit much!! Even for this Minnesota girl.
Wow! Kudos to you. The coldest I’ve ever run in is 17 degrees, and I had a really bad windburn after. I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.
Sadly this isn’t even close to the coldest I’ve ever run in. :/
Love that skirt Michelle! I’d go for the black- let me know what you think 🙂
Okay, black it is! Thanks for the advice because I was seriously in turmoil about which color to pick!