I’ll Take It

I ran! Without any pain!!

Nothing speedy and nothing far, but I’ll take it!!

Thankfully, my glute did not bother me at all during Monday morning’s “run.” I did not run continuously. Instead, I did a walk/run for 2.5 miles with running for a total of 2 miles. I am SUPER paranoid the pain is going to come back, so I am am going to take it really easy!

That’s a picture of my bum hip that’s hopefully on the mend now.

Lululemon bags are the best for bringing my lunch to work. For the past 4 years I’ve been using a Built bag, but after realizing how perfect these Lululemon reusable bags are, I have no reason to ever buy a lunch bag anymore. But I have every reason buy more Lululemon clothes!!

The perfect size for my ginormous lunch. This baby is always filled to the brim with all the food I eat throughout the day.

I love colorful lunches.

Trader Joe’s Israeli couscous mix + roasted vegetables + breaded tofu

I actually eat lunch at my desk so that I can walk during my lunch break. I hate sitting down all day, so the afternoon break is very refreshing, especially when the temperature is in the low 20s!

The setting sun at 3:30 p.m. 🙁

Last night Craig and I took a dip in the pool and swam some laps. It is the perfect activity where we can exercise and hang out and talk during our breaks. I did laps for a total of 40 minutes with breaks every 5-7 minutes.

Dinner was courtesouy of Glen and Carol. Thanks guys!!

Moose stew + fry bread. . . .so delicious! I am not a big fan of game meat, but this moose meat was not gamey at all and super tender!! And that bread. . .oh, that bread. Enough said.



Have you ever had moose? What is the strangest meat you’ve ever had?

(One time in Florida, I had a piece of alligator meat. All I remember was that it was really spicy.)

What do you carry your lunch in?

Do you eat lunch at your desk?

Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 11.20.12
    Sarah said:

    i’ve had alligator somewhere down south. it was breaded & tasted like chicken. when on study abroad in cameroon i regularly had goat. not my favorite but not bad either (especially in stew). glad you had a good run 🙂

  2. 11.20.12

    Love those lulu bags! Hope your hip feels better real soon!!

  3. 11.20.12
    Leah Flores (@Adventurlings) said:

    I can’t remember where exactly… but somewhere in Portland is the ‘Cajun Madness’ pizza that is covered in alligator and frog legs!

    • 11.20.12
      Michelle said:

      Have you ever tried it? I wonder if it is spendy?

  4. 11.20.12
    jameil said:

    I like to try an unusual meat at least once a year, usually around my birthday so I’ve had moose, shark, gator, ostrich. I’ll try just about anything once. I’ve had goat several times. Not a fan.

    • 11.20.12
      Michelle said:

      Oh wow! Were there any you did like?

  5. 11.20.12
    Nichole said:

    Thanks for the advice about CIM – you’re right, I’d hate it if in 3 months from now I couldn’t run due to injury or something else and I would have passed up the opportunity to race now. Sorry to hear you’ve been down so long with the glute thing… but sounds like it might be getting a little better?!? Just be smart about coming back!!!
    Also, wanted to comment on your Brooks Run Happy shirt – I also ordered one this fall, since that’s pretty much my motto :).

    • 11.20.12
      Michelle said:

      Yeah, I’m glad you decided to race CIM! I am really paranoid about starting to run again because I do not want the pain to come back. I am very excited to wear my “Run Happy” shirt. I just wish it wasn’t so stinkin’ cold right now. 🙁

  6. 11.20.12
    K said:

    I’m not into gamey meat either but think moose tastes more like beef or bison. I’ve been looking for a purpose for my Lulu bags, that is a great idea! they are just a tad too small to take to the grocery store.

    Glad to hear your glute is feeling better!

    • 11.20.12
      Michelle said:

      I agree. This moose tasted like beef or bison; it was good. Yeah, the small Lululemon bags would be kind of small for groceries. I use to the bigger ones for groceries or as a gym bag.

  7. 11.20.12
    Jean said:

    When I was in elementary school one of my friends told me to try her “chicken” (you would think I would have been suspicious because it looked NOTHING like chicken, but no. Little kids are so gullible) and it turns out it was moose. Bummer. I don’t really remember what it tasted like, I think it was kind of bitter? I disliked it enough to go home and tell my parents I was glad they don’t hunt.

  8. 11.20.12
    Dafni said:

    I am vegan for the past 4 years and I have been vegetarian since my early teens so I have no “meat story” to share with you. But congratulations for your run, it is very smart that you tried a combo run/walk. Don’t rush back into full training gear, take little steps every week. Bravo!

  9. 11.21.12
    Candace said:

    I had alligator once too. I thought it was tasty. I’ve never had moose meat before. I take my lunch in a lunch bag, and I usually only eat at my desk if my coworkers have already eaten. We try to have lunch together regularly.