Birthday Week

It is hard to talk about running when you aren’t running, so I apologize for the lack of posts about running. I miss running like crazy. I miss the high mileage and the runner’s high at the end of a run. I even miss the early morning wake-up calls and people saying I’m crazy for running 100 miles in a week. I miss it all and hope I my glute will heal soon, so I can get back to it!!

I’ve decided I had better take another full week off from running and just lay low. I even plan to cut back on weight lifting and exercise in general. I took a full week off from running last week but continued to lift weights. My hip did not get any better, so this time around I thought I would try doing less exercise in general. I don’t know if it will help, but I’ve got to try something!?! :/

Since I don’t have my daily runs to talk about, let’s highlight things from this week.

Laughs of the Week

Any other (proud) band nerds out there that find this hilarious! I know I do because I was one of those French horn players who had to play the off beats the ENTIRE length of the song!

Photo: Ha!

Enough said!

Have the Groupon and Living Social deals gotten really bad in your area? I have not purchased many Groupon deals lately. Except I did purchase one this morning and had to crack up when I got to the payment screen. I guess Groupon forgot how to do their math!! Sadly, they realized their mistake and did charge me $60. Bummer.

Saddest Moment of the Week

It is officially winter here, and I’m pretty sure this stuff isn’t going away anytime soon. Say, for oh. . . . .6 months of so. No big deal. (Yeah right!)

New Find of the Week

Craig and I didn’t do anything special for Halloween. We actually pretended we weren’t home when kids knocked at our door because I didn’t have any candy to give them. I only got a handful of candy from work, including these Mamba candy. I’ve seen this candy in the store (maybe once or twice), but am I the only one who has never tried these before? They reminded me of Starburst, and I was a fan!

Workout of the Week

I attempted running again on Thursday because I was going crazy without running. I knew my glute would probably still be bothering me, but I had to go for a run.

Mile 0 – 1: no pain

Mile 1 – 2: only pain 3 or 4 times

Mile 2 – 3: quite a bit of pain

Bummer. This is not good, but I SO wanted to keep running in the worst way!

Birthday Week

It is Craig’s birthday on Saturday, but we have been celebrating all week. Each night I’ve given him a gift. They have just been small things with the grande finale being given the day of his birthday.

One day I gave him this Aveda tea. Both Craig and I love Aveda products: their hair products, skin products, and now this tea. It is very delicious with a sweet taste, but there is no added sugar.

I also picked up this bar of soap at a fair-trade store in Anchorage: Grassroots.

Plus the Global Mamas U.S. office is in Minnesota!


Tell me something about your week!!

Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 11.3.12
    Candace said:

    I had a short work week because of school closures related to Hurricane Sandy. I think I’ve had Mamba once. I liked them. If I remember correctly, they’re a little bit softer than Starburst (which I also like!). Hope you guys enjoy the birthday celebration today.

  2. 11.3.12
    Kati said:

    HAHA, YES, playing the French horn during Sousa marches in high school was the worst thing ever. 🙂

  3. 11.3.12
    Sarah said:

    hope that week of rest next week will help you! i went for a run today & it wasn’t too bad. then i stretched & foam rolled when i got home…will see how tomorrow goes 🙂

  4. 11.3.12
    jameil said:

    I will join you in French horns Unite Against Sousa Marches! LOL I love hearing about other people who played it! I was a poll worker for early voting this week and loved it!

  5. 11.3.12
    Lauren said:

    BAND GEEK!!! 🙂 Ha!
    I was in “a” band in high school- not “the” band. I played guitar and sang. There were four of us- all girls. We were horrible. But we had fun. 🙂
    Oh man… I haven’t had a Mamba in … decades? Wow, that makes me sound old. Happy early bday to Craig!