The Many Faces of my Husband

The transition back into running after finishing the Twin Cities Marathon isn’t going quite as smooth as I had hoped. Prior to the marathon, I was battling some pain in my glute that I continued to run on during my three-week taper. It wasn’t anything intense, but I knew something wasn’t right.

I’ve also continued to run on it even after the marathon—only 3 or 4 miles each day—but it isn’t getting better. I saw my massage therapist on Tuesday, which did help, but I don’t know that it was enough to fully heal it. I have another appointment with her on Saturday but if that doesn’t help, I might have to resort to laying off the running—which might just kill me. 😕

Even though I am not running crazy 100-mile weeks, I’m still getting up at 5 a.m. to run and lift weights. Most mornings I run 2 miles to the gym, lift weights for 30 minutes, and then run 2 miles back home.

Now that the weather had turned winter-like, I have been craving hot oatmeal after getting back from my run in the morning. (So much for any decent-looking morning pictures with the diminishing daylight. The sun doesn’t rise until 9 a.m. these days, which makes me really sad.)

I have been craving “classic” oatmeal with brown sugar, raisins, and “half-and-half.” I didn’t have any half-and-half, but I did have some whipping cream! I use just a tiny little bit in my oatmeal.

Seriously, I don’t know what it is, but I gobble this up in the mornings and enjoy every bite.

During my lunch break today, I walked to a local consignment store to pick up some clothes I had dropped off on Monday that I was trying to sell. Unfortunately they only took two items.

I try to get out during my lunch break and walk as much as possible because I really do not like sitting all day.

Craig and I never eat out during the week, but every once in a great while it is fun to change things up. Tonight’s trip was to a fancy restaurant called Costco.

Craig was craving pizza, so we went to the cheapest place you can get a slice of pizza. Craig called this a vegetarian pizza with meat. He said it was healthy because there was veggies on it. I had a few bites of it but mostly of the crust because Craig sprinkled too many crushed red peppers on it, which made it too spicy for my Minnesota-mild taste buds. We also got a chicken bake (a.k.a. hot pocket). I had a few bites and was not impressed at all.

If you know my husband—or have been reading my blog for some time, you know how much he enjoys making crazy/funny faces, so I dedicate this post to the many faces of my husband, Craig.

This is his, “oh my goodness, there are so many decisions; what am I going to pick!”

“That’s the biggest hot dog I’ve ever seen.”

“Seriously honey, this is healthy.”

Since Craig got to fulfill his craving for pizza, I wanted to fulfill my craving for frozen yogurt. We went to our favorite frozen yogurt shop in Anchorage: SoYo Yogurt Shoppe.

(Gosh that’s a cheezy smile.)

Craig is full of random facts—especially if they have to do with history:”Did you know that during WWII nobody ate frozen yogurt.”

“Ahhh. . . my precious!”

Alright, it is WAY past my bed time and 5 a.m. is going to come all too quickly, so I’m off.

Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 10.18.12
    Nate said:

    Take it easy Michelle! You need to let your body recover 🙂

    It was very nice seeing you and Craig. I really appreciated the time I had chatting with Craig about Orthodox Christianity. His faces are funny too!

    • 10.20.12
      Michelle said:

      I’m sure Craig enjoyed talking to you about Orthodoxy as well. 🙂

  2. 10.19.12
    Sarah said:

    i hope your running pain starts to get better soon! i can definitely relate- since early sept. i have had off and on pain in my right leg, mainly hamstring area, but it’s also fluctuated a bit to my hip & shin… not sure what it is, but i’ve been taking it easy (took a week off altogether) and crosstraining more. i hope to run a marathon in the spring, but we will see. injuries, even if they aren’t serious, are frustrating. 🙁

    • 10.20.12
      Michelle said:

      Bummer. It is even more frustrating when you do everything right to try and heel an injury, but it still doesn’t seem to help.