6:30 AM – Craig’s alarm goes off; I poke him to turn it off. No way am I getting up this early. Ha!
6:38, 6:46, 6:54 AM, etc. – Craig’s alarm goes off over and over again; grrr!! I nudge and poke him a little harder each time because I just want to sleep.
7:00/7:15 AM – Get up (I know, I know, real rough, huh?)
Somehow I manage to find little things to keep myself busy for the next hour: putting clean and dry dishes away, putting a few clothes into the dryer, taking them out and folding them, checking e-mail and Facebook, making breakfast for Craig, changing into my running clothes, eating a couple of Clif Shot Bloks, and the list goes on.
7:50 AM – Craig and I walk out the door to go to work. . . Craig to a real job and me to my job of running. 😉
Today’s run: 8 miles
Time: 1:03
I was cruising today. I tried to slow down, but my legs were not letting me. A couple of times I looked down and saw 7:33/7:36 on my GPS. . . .woohoo! I was stoked!
9:00/9:30 AM – Return from running (depending upon the length of my run) and take pictures for the blog. (above) Today I also took a few fun pictures of the rain and water droplets.
9:15 AM – Stretch, check my e-mail, Facebook, read blogs, do a little shopping at J. Crew Factory, etc.
9:30 AM – Make breakfast—even though I’m not feeling super hungry yet, I know I need to refuel.
On the menu: a lot of brown and white foods I guess.
– Protein-packed Microwave Oatmeal – I used chocolate protein powder instead of plain protein powder which is why it is brown. I prefer the plain protein powder, but I was out. The chocolate tasted good but it seemed a little bit too indulgent for so early in the day.
– Udi’s Gluten-free bagel with cream cheese (my splurge for the day)
– Iced coffee with French vanilla soy creamer
10 AM – By this time I’m chilled from my sweaty running clothes, so into the warm shower I go to get ready for the day.
I have to wear my glasses for a week because the eye doctor said my eyes were really dry, which is why they were so bloodshot—I just thought it was stress from school. Since my gas permeable contacts were the culprit for my dry eyes, I can’t wear them and have to do a couple different eye drops throughout the day.
11:00 – 11:45 AM – Make lunch for Craig and I.
For Craig’s lunch: (I was going to have the same thing but then started craving a veggie sandwich, so I had my portion for dinner.)
– Pan-fried potatoes
– Quinoa
My make-shift tofu-press. I just need to bite the bullet and buy a real one.
During this time I also am responding to e-mails, taking pictures, reading more blogs, doing really important things like taking a “How Hipster Are You” quiz on Facebook (The results: I’m trying too hard to be hipster. Ha!), and other various things around the house.
Noon – 1 PM – Lunch with Craig (Although today he had something come up at work, so I ate at home.)
On the menu for me today: veggie sandwich + Wheat Thins + carrots + sweet potato
And this is why I do not blog about what I eat because I eat too randomly. I prepped this plate thinking this is what I would want to eat (and what I should eat), but I only ended up eating the veggie sandwich and sweet potato.
Instead, of the other things on my plate, I was craving a Wheat Germ Streusel Banana Muffin, so that’s what I had.
And since I hadn’t had any protein, my body wanted something in that department, so I scrounged the cupboards and this is what I came up with.
As soon as I took a bite of this, I knew I had made a poor choice. This bar didn’t necessarily taste bad, but I knew by the taste it had a crap-ton of ingredients.
I don’t know why I didn’t look at the label before purchasing it. . . I always do! I can’t believe the third and fourth ingredients are sugars!!
But I saw this part of the label and thought, “oh, it is healthy.” Ha! (I never fall for this kind of stuff.) Actually, for some reason I thought the label read “free from 101 allergens” or something to that effect. Obviously I wasn’t thinking clearly. (Can you tell I’m disappointed in myself?)
Anyway. . .moving on.
1:00 – 3/4:00 PM – Usually during the next couple hours (often three), I am running errands (getting ingredients for dinner, paying bills) and/or going to an appointment. Often times I will also go to the gym to lift weights for 30 minutes too.
Today I had a chiropractic appointment and massage. (I’m going to miss this once my insurance is done.)
4:00 – 5:00 PM Come home, eheck e-mail, Facebook, and read a few more blogs. I also start preparing dinner during this time. (We eat early!)
5:30/6:00 PM – Eat dinner
Oh dear, another brown and white meal. Perfect-baked Tofu + quinoa (cooked in vegetable broth) + roasted potatoes
6:00 – 7:00 PM – Clean up, wash dishes (some by hand, some in the dishwasher), pack Craig’s lunch for the next day (if I’m not going to be meeting him for lunch), and make iced coffee or tea.
7:00 – 10:00 PM – Fight with WordPress to compose these silly little posts, foam roll (I spend a good 20 – 30 minutes foam rolling and stretching every night.), abdominal work, and anything else around the house that needs to be done.
10:00 PM – Get ready for bed.
10:30 PM Lights out for a solid 8.5 hours of sleep. (I need this much when I’m running a lot!)
So, there you have it. That’s pretty much a typical day for me during the summer. Like I said, it still varies a lot, which I love! I love being able to do what I want, whenever I want. And I am doing my best to savor these days because they will be gone before I know it!
This looks like a great, fabulous schedule. 🙂 I hate when I buy things and disappoint myself by not reading closely. Once I bought frozen strawberries sweetened with Splenda by accident. Also, what does TRP stand for?
Sorry, I was wondering if that would be confusing. . . TRP = The Runner’s Plate.
I use a tofu press now, got tired of cans and other heavy objects falling over! Look at the EZ Tofu Press, its easy to use and costs only $25 (includes shipping) at Amazon. http://www.eztofupress.com