Distance: 9 miles
Time: 1:12
Route: neighborhoods, paved roads, hills during middle 1/3
Weather: 52*, sunny, no wind
It was a good run for me. I really wanted to keep my pace around 8 minutes per mile and my average ended up being exactly 8:00. I know my pace could have been faster without the hills, but I also know the hills are good for me.
When I started out, I had some difficulties breathing. It wasn’t that I’m-out-of-shape feeling but more like I was running at altitude. Anchorage is pretty much at sea level, so I knew that couldn’t be it. The only thing I could think of was that there are a lot of flowering trees/plants right now and the pollen count might be really high?? I’m not sure, but I did feel better during the last third of my run, and during that time, I didn’t see any flowers in the area. Or maybe it is all in my head.
After I refueled with a spinach smoothie.
In the mix: Trader Joe’s soy milk (I stocked up on things from Trader Joe’s when I was in MN and brought a bunch of food back.), 1/2 frozen banana, Vega protein powder, and lots of spinach of course
Friday night Craig and I had a date night, and we decided to go on a bike ride.
Our destination: Bears Tooth Theater to watch The Hunger Games.
What’s unique about this theater is that there are tables and you are able to order food to eat during the movie.
You order your food prior to going into the theater and then you take this bright orange cone with you so the waiters can find you and deliver your food.
It is pretty fun. Plus, the movies are only $3.50 a person, which you can’t beat. This is often recommended as a stop for tourists.
As usual, Craig and I ordered two different entrees and split each one.
I ordered the Ranch Salad. Pretty basic salad with romaine lettuce, bacon, cheese, cucumbers, and tomatoes, but it was delicious.
Craig ordered the Mushu Wrap, which is fantastic! It had tofu, mushrooms, and a peanut sauce in it (along with a bunch of other things), which maybe doesn’t sound all that special, but Craig was still talking about it today. I’ve had it before, and it is definitely one of my favorite things on the menu.
I really enjoyed the movie. I’ve read the first few chapters of the first book, so I had an understanding what was going on, which was helpful. I would definitely recommend the movie; it is one of the better movies I’ve seen this year.
After the movie, it was time to bike back home. No need to worry about biking in the dark in the land of the Midnight Sun!
Craig having fun with the camera.
After spending 3 weeks in Minnesota, even I forgot how light it is here in the summer!
Just for comparison, I had Craig take my picture before we left at 6 p.m.
And then again at 11 p.m. when we returned home! (And there was no editing done to this picture; it really is that light!)
(Haha! Apparently I needed my sunglasses more at 11 p.m. than I did at 6 p.m.)
Today’s sunrise/sunset times:
Sunrise 4:29 a.m.
Sunset: 11:39 p.m.
Alright, even though it looks like 6 p.m. outside right now, it is time for me to hit the hay.