2011 definitely had its challenges, but I am thankful for my health, my family, and my husband! 😀
My year got started out on a sad note with the passing of my grandmother in January. Craig and I flew back to Minnesota for her funeral. It was nice to be able to see my family, but of course not under those particular circumstances. I did get to run with my sister in -20* weather though!
I celebrated my birthday (one day early) in March with a pair of new running shoes.
I revealed my dilemma about living in Alaska and many of you weighed in.
We discovered Yogurtland in the Anchorage Airport.
May brought the end of the school year (hallelujah!) where I confessed how much teaching stresses me out and thankfully summer break began.
We celebrated our third wedding anniversary with dinner out—nothing too fancy. (I’m so glad Craig gets a “real” haircut at a “real” salon now!)
I ran my second marathon (Mayor’s Marathon) in Anchorage in a time of 3:44. I ran the entire way (which was one of my goals) but did not break my PR, which still stands at 3:42.
In June, I traveled to Minnesota to see my family, friends, and soak up the sun and heat!! (Never though I’d say that!)
My sister and I post-run in the heat! 🙂
In July, my aunt came to visit for two weeks and we traveled all over the state of Alaska—with the higlight being camping in Denali National Park and Preserve.
The rest of summer was filled with camping, hiking, and biking.
August brought the beginning of a new school year that I thought I wouldn’t be returning to, but I did.
I attempted to PR in the Skinny Raven Half-Marathon but came up short again.
The fall semester was insanely busy with work, working out, taking two classes (to renew my state teaching license), and blogging took a back burner.
Craig and I did run the Kenai River Marathon Relay (with 2 other people).
The beginning of November was Craig’s birthday, but I was a bad blogger and did not get any pictures.
For Thanksgiving, I flew down to Raleigh, North Carolina to visit my sister and surprise my parents who also came down to visit her.
Here’s to hoping for a successful and happy 2012!
Great post! I’m working on mine after I finish lunch.