Scaredy Cat

I am easily scared, and I’ve been a scaredy cat on my runs lately!


Since I run in the pitch dark at 5:30 in the morning, it is easy to get scared!

Most of the time I am not too jumpy, but this week I’ve been easily scared by:

– a car horn beeping and car randomly starting up (A lot of people in Alaska have automatic starts for their cars, so it always throws me off when I don’t see anyone walk out to their car–or sitting in their car–when the engine randomly starts up.)

– a piece of garbage being blown down the street by the wind (I heard something coming up behind me, only to realize it was a piece of garbage!)

– my shadow! (Yes, my shadow scared the begeezes out of me the other day!)

Today’s run:

Distance: 5 miles

Time: 45 minutes

Weather: 30* F

Notes: I did a track workout Wednesday after work (4 x 400 meters, 4 x 200 meters ~ total of 4 miles with warm-up and cool-down) and then spent 30 minutes lifting weights at the gym, so I was a little slow-going this morning. However, it was all about putting my mind over the matter!

My right IT band did hurt a little at first, but once it warmed up I was better. (I’m worried it is going to get worse though. 😕 )


I have no desire to document everything I eat, but I do enjoy sharing new foods I’ve tried.

I liked this Barbara’s Shredded Oats Cereal, and I appreciate that it didn’t taste like cardboard (which a lot of my cereals have been tasting like lately).

This cereal tasted similar to Quaker Oatmeal Squares—just not as sweet. I think I’d have to pick my beloved Oatmeal Squares over these shredded oats as far as the taste, but then again the Oatmeal Squares include some fake ingredients.


For breakfast this morning I had my “I-know-I’m-not-going-to-have-time-to-make-breakfast” breakfast: overnight oats.


These aren’t new, but I added a new protein powder to the mix.

This is Tera’s Whey pomegranate cranberry goat whey protein! I didn’t even know they made something like this!

I love that this company is based out of Wisconsin and supports small family farms in the area with their products.


I also added the protein powder to a smoothie I made on Tuesday morning.

I liked the idea of the pomegranate cranberry flavoring in the protein powder, but I was not a fan of the overall taste of the powder. I think some of it had to do with the stevia added to it. I can always taste stevia (or other fake sugars) when they are in various products.

Unfortunately I don’t think I would ever purchase this product in the future.


I never liked dried bananas as a kid, but my aunt introduced me to these banana chips from Trader Joe’s and I was in love!

I don’t know what it is about these (the coconut oil?), but I love snacking on these after school.


The nutrition stats aren’t the greatest though.

Especially the saturated fat! 🙁


I like Luna bars but sometimes all the flavors taste kind of the same to me. I wouldn’t say I love Luna bars, but I really liked this one!

I would definitely buy this flavor again!




What recent food have you tried that you either really liked or really disliked?

Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 10.21.11
    mary said:

    Do you own a headlamp to wear when running in the early morning? Might help make you a little less jumpy.

    • 10.21.11
      Michelle said:

      I wore a headlamp a couple times this week, but I thought it would help more than it did. It wasn’t as bright as I thought it would be.

  2. 10.21.11
    mary said:

    Do you own a headlamp to wear when running in the early morning? Might help make you a little less jumpy.

    • 10.21.11
      Michelle said:

      I wore a headlamp a couple times this week, but I thought it would help more than it did. It wasn’t as bright as I thought it would be.

  3. 10.21.11
    Cara said:

    My husband,Peter, and I like Ancient Grains. We get it at Costco. Tasty, crunchy, and versatile; Peter eats it as cereal with milk, I eat it on top of my Fage Greek yogurt.

    • 10.21.11
      Michelle said:

      We actually have that kind of cereal in our cupboard as well!

  4. 10.21.11
    Cara said:

    My husband,Peter, and I like Ancient Grains. We get it at Costco. Tasty, crunchy, and versatile; Peter eats it as cereal with milk, I eat it on top of my Fage Greek yogurt.

    • 10.21.11
      Michelle said:

      We actually have that kind of cereal in our cupboard as well!

  5. 10.21.11
    Kim said:

    So there are some “real foodies” that say both coconut oil and stevia aren’t bad. Personally, I like the coconut oil (although that’s exactly where the crazy %DV of fat comes from!) and can take or leave the stevia (I think aspartame is disgusting, but the stevia is just a little too different from real sugar for my taste).

    I recently made apricot-millet muffins and had never had millet before- it’s awesome! I like the crunch it adds.

    Stevia article:
    Coconut oil and other fat article:

    • 10.21.11
      Michelle said:

      Interesting! Thanks for sharing!

      I do not like aspartame either. Stevia is better, but I can still taste it and don’t think it is as good as regular sugar.

  6. 10.21.11
    Kim said:

    So there are some “real foodies” that say both coconut oil and stevia aren’t bad. Personally, I like the coconut oil (although that’s exactly where the crazy %DV of fat comes from!) and can take or leave the stevia (I think aspartame is disgusting, but the stevia is just a little too different from real sugar for my taste).

    I recently made apricot-millet muffins and had never had millet before- it’s awesome! I like the crunch it adds.

    Stevia article:
    Coconut oil and other fat article:

    • 10.21.11
      Michelle said:

      Interesting! Thanks for sharing!

      I do not like aspartame either. Stevia is better, but I can still taste it and don’t think it is as good as regular sugar.

  7. 10.21.11

    You are SO not a scaredy cat if you’re running THAT early in the morning. It is DARK. It’s good that you are aware. I find it hard to go at 7pm when it’s fairly dark. It just doesn’t feel safe, and this is NOT the safest country in the world, sadly.

    I recently tried oatmeal with banana slices over the top, along with caramelized apple pieces and, cinnamon, and raisins. Yummm!

    • 10.21.11
      Michelle said:

      The toppings “make” the bowl of oatmeal!

  8. 10.21.11

    You are SO not a scaredy cat if you’re running THAT early in the morning. It is DARK. It’s good that you are aware. I find it hard to go at 7pm when it’s fairly dark. It just doesn’t feel safe, and this is NOT the safest country in the world, sadly.

    I recently tried oatmeal with banana slices over the top, along with caramelized apple pieces and, cinnamon, and raisins. Yummm!

    • 10.21.11
      Michelle said:

      The toppings “make” the bowl of oatmeal!

      • 10.21.11

        Yummy! I will have to make those overnight oats. I still haven’t felt like I’ve had the time to put it together the night before. But I can definitely see how that would be easier in the morning! I will try it soon! I love oatmeal with honey and peanut butter on top. I have been eating that for breakfast every morning during the work week.

        I run in the dark in the a.m. too so I know how that is. I try to run in my complex that is lit up and then when the sun peeks out I run in the neighborhood when the kids are heading to school so it’s lots of folks out around that time. Maybe get some jogger’s mase would help ease your nerves a bit? & wear bright clothing. Or just run around with a bat in your hand…lol

        • 10.23.11
          Michelle said:

          You can also make “15” or “30 minute” oats–just stir everything together in the morning and let it sit for a while, it turns out pretty much the same.

          Most of the neighborhoods that I run through are fairly well lit; there are just some areas that are kind of dark.

  9. 10.21.11
    Krissie J said:

    I only just started eating brussel sprouts about two months ago (I know, lame) and now I am hooked! I crave them on the regular. 🙂

  10. 10.21.11
    Candace said:

    I never liked tomatoes until my dad started growing them, and now I add them to a lot of dishes.