Zombie Half-Marathon 2011

My weekend was pretty uneventful. I spent most of Saturday and Sunday: doing laundry, cleaning, running errands, cooking, and just getting ready for the week.

I felt like I was running around like a chicken with its head chopped off most of the time, so I just wish I would have had a little more down time before the work-week starts up again.

On Saturday, I did ran the Zombie Half-Marathon!

I did not run it for time. Instead I ran with with my friend Jen and we chatted away the miles! It was fun!! ๐Ÿ™‚

It was cloudy and cool/cold (40*) with a little rain. But I felt good and had a good time!

You will have to enjoy a picture from last yearโ€™s Zombie Half-Marathon because I did not have my camera at the race and Craig wasnโ€™t able to come, so I have absolutely zero pictures. ๐Ÿ™


Results from 2011 Zombie Half-Marathon:

Distance: 13.1 miles

Time: 1:48.25

Pace: 8:17 minutes/mile

Overall Place: 83/547

Female Place: 21/374

Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 10.16.11
    Stephanie said:

    Ummm, that’s not running for time? That was my PR last week. You’re awesome! I’m super bummed we couldn’t meet up this weekend. I didn’t get back from Seward until late and had pretty poor service. I’m glad you had fun at the race…and if you’re ever in Texas we should coordinate better (my fault) for a meet up!

    • 10.17.11
      Michelle said:

      I knew someone was going to say that. Yes, I know my time was really good for some people.

      I am also super bummed we weren’t able to meet up. What do you mean you had poor service?

      I will look you up if I’m ever in Texas! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. 10.17.11
    Candace said:

    Congrats on finishing!

  3. 10.17.11
    Sarah said:

    nice race! we ran the columbus (ohio) marathon yesterday, and definitely didn’t run for time either so it was my slowest marathon by far but was still fun running w/ my husband. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • 10.17.11
      Michelle said:

      I would love to do a marathon with my husband!!

  4. 10.17.11
    Krissie J said:

    I would pee my pants if I had a finishing time under 2 hours! Way to go! I haven’t run a half yet with anyone and I think it’d be a lot of fun to have a running buddy for a race. Nice job!

    • 10.17.11
      Michelle said:

      I would totally be your running buddy if I lived closer!

  5. 10.17.11
    Jamie said:

    Nice work! I have an under 2 hour goal for next season!

  6. 10.17.11
    Liz said:

    I love the pictures from last year…people really get into it! Sounds like a fun race for the costumes and that you had company.

  7. 1.22.22
    mamyrun said:

    The great run also likes to run zombie running. Because it makes running more interesting and not so monotonous.