So Sore

Holy soreness!!!

My muscles are SO sore from the marathon!!

Literally every muscle in my body is sore: calves, hamstrings, quads, back, abs, the muscles in between my ribs (intercostals), shoulders, biceps, and forearms.

That just proves running is a full body workout!

I am also one slow-movinโ€™ gimp today!

Letโ€™s see. . . it hurts to:

โ€“ walk

โ€“ sit down

โ€“ stand up

โ€“ sleep (the pain wakes me up)

โ€“ walk up the stairs

โ€“ walk down the stairs

โ€“ bend to pick something up

โ€“ and it even hurts when I go to sit on the toilet.

But donโ€™t get me wrong, it was SO worth it!! ๐Ÿ˜€

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Surprisingly my appetite hasnโ€™t been off-the-wall. It is actually pretty normal todayโ€”and yesterday as well.

I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast with Cheerios and Quaker Oatmeal Squares along with some banana slices.

I canโ€™t remember if I have ever mixed two different types of cereals together before, but I was feeling adventurous today! ๐Ÿ˜‰


I ate the rest of the banana with peanut butter on it.


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For lunch I had a salad:

spinach + millet + garbanzo beans + red pepper + tofu + broccoli + MMM Sauce (by Mama Pea)


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I forgot to show you the beautiful flowers Craig got me for the marathon.


He also got me this cute card. I couldnโ€™t imagine how difficult it would be to find a running-related card!



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Seeking help!!

My sister just graduated from college and will be moving to Raleigh, NC in August to start her dietetics internship. She is looking for a place to live. Can anyone help her out?

Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 6.20.11
    Katie said:

    I have started eating my bananas with peanut butter as a more filling snack, ever since I first saw you blog about it. My girls are now hooked!

    Sorry you’re so sore!

  2. 6.20.11
    Katie said:

    I have started eating my bananas with peanut butter as a more filling snack, ever since I first saw you blog about it. My girls are now hooked!

    Sorry you’re so sore!

  3. 6.20.11
    dana @ my little celebration said:

    Sorry, I’m in the middle of the country – Kansas. But if I was in Raleigh I’d try to help her out all I could!

    I do that with my leftover banana, too! A big swipe of PB on top is so good!

  4. 6.20.11
    dana @ my little celebration said:

    Sorry, I’m in the middle of the country – Kansas. But if I was in Raleigh I’d try to help her out all I could!

    I do that with my leftover banana, too! A big swipe of PB on top is so good!

  5. 6.20.11
    lifttorun said:

    Nothing beats PB and bananas.

    As weird as it sounds, I totally want to do a marathon just to experience the pain.

  6. 6.20.11
    lifttorun said:

    Nothing beats PB and bananas.

    As weird as it sounds, I totally want to do a marathon just to experience the pain.

  7. 6.21.11
    megan @ blackberries for jam said:

    Oh my goodness, walking down steps and sitting on the toilet were the worst for me! But thanks to lots and lots of foam rolling, the soreness was gone in about three days. I also didn’t have a raging appetite after my race. The rest of the day following the race my stomach felt horrid from so much clif gel. Enjoy your recovery!

    • 6.21.11
      Michelle said:

      Oh yeah, the day of a hard run, I never feel like eating!

      I think it took me 3-4 days until the soreness went away last year as well.

  8. 6.21.11
    megan @ blackberries for jam said:

    Oh my goodness, walking down steps and sitting on the toilet were the worst for me! But thanks to lots and lots of foam rolling, the soreness was gone in about three days. I also didn’t have a raging appetite after my race. The rest of the day following the race my stomach felt horrid from so much clif gel. Enjoy your recovery!

    • 6.21.11
      Michelle said:

      Oh yeah, the day of a hard run, I never feel like eating!

      I think it took me 3-4 days until the soreness went away last year as well.

  9. 6.21.11
    Yolanda said:

    It is so interesting for me, to read about your marathon experience. Have you ever done a 1/2 marathon, and was the experience similar?

    I can’t believe that I’m even typing this, but I am starting to get the hankering to try my feet at a 1/2. The farthest I’ve ran is 5 miles, just on Saturday but I felt like I could run at least another mile or two. Who knows, perhaps this time next year, I may just be signed up for a 1/2. Thank you for responding and for sharing-

    • 6.21.11
      Michelle said:

      I have done a handful of half-marathons, and yes, there was one in particular that I got really sore from as well.

      Good luck with your training and whatever distance you decide to pursue.

  10. 6.21.11
    Yolanda said:

    It is so interesting for me, to read about your marathon experience. Have you ever done a 1/2 marathon, and was the experience similar?

    I can’t believe that I’m even typing this, but I am starting to get the hankering to try my feet at a 1/2. The farthest I’ve ran is 5 miles, just on Saturday but I felt like I could run at least another mile or two. Who knows, perhaps this time next year, I may just be signed up for a 1/2. Thank you for responding and for sharing-

    • 6.21.11
      Michelle said:

      I have done a handful of half-marathons, and yes, there was one in particular that I got really sore from as well.

      Good luck with your training and whatever distance you decide to pursue.

  11. 6.21.11
    Chelsea said:

    I can’t imagine how sore you feel, I feel literally sore from just a 6 mile run, I agree sometimes the pain is worth the accomplishment. At least you are on summer break to relax and recover and don’t have to worry about the stress of teaching on your back.

    • 6.21.11
      Michelle said:

      I couldn’t imagine trying to teach; I would be hobbling so slow to get everywhere.

  12. 6.21.11
    Chelsea said:

    I can’t imagine how sore you feel, I feel literally sore from just a 6 mile run, I agree sometimes the pain is worth the accomplishment. At least you are on summer break to relax and recover and don’t have to worry about the stress of teaching on your back.

    • 6.21.11
      Michelle said:

      I couldn’t imagine trying to teach; I would be hobbling so slow to get everywhere.

  13. 6.21.11
    Liz said:

    I could barely walk the day after my marathon! At least you know that means you gave it yoru all.

  14. 6.21.11
    Liz said:

    I could barely walk the day after my marathon! At least you know that means you gave it yoru all.

  15. 6.21.11
    Sarah said:

    i hope you start to feel better soon! i wore compression socks for about 24 hrs post-marathon and that helped alot! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • 6.21.11
      Michelle said:

      Doh! What was I thinking–how could I forget to wear my compression socks!?!? I should have had a full-body compression suit!!

  16. 6.21.11
    Sarah said:

    i hope you start to feel better soon! i wore compression socks for about 24 hrs post-marathon and that helped alot! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • 6.21.11
      Michelle said:

      Doh! What was I thinking–how could I forget to wear my compression socks!?!? I should have had a full-body compression suit!!

  17. 6.21.11
    bakebooks said:

    Congrats on your race! I love Quaker squares – have you tried the Maple & Brown Sugar kind?! Like pancakes -eek!

    I have to try this Mmmm sauce – it’s super popular it seems!

    Good luck to your sis! Has she asked the people she’s working for to help her out? Companies are good about helping with that at least for the short term or to give advice where to search. Moving alone is rough ๐Ÿ™

    • 6.21.11
      Michelle said:

      I have tried the maple and brown sugar variety, but I think I’m bi-partial to the “original” brown sugar variety.

      Eh! I wasn’t that impressed with the Mmm Sauce. It has a very strong curry taste, and I used to like curried-flavored things, but I think I’m tired of it now. It could also be the manner in which I used the sauce. I am thinking about trying it in a wrap next time.

      Her adviser for her internship actually suggested the interns not live together. I think because there gets to be a lot of drama brought home and you next really get a break from your internship.

  18. 6.21.11
    bakebooks said:

    Congrats on your race! I love Quaker squares – have you tried the Maple & Brown Sugar kind?! Like pancakes -eek!

    I have to try this Mmmm sauce – it’s super popular it seems!

    Good luck to your sis! Has she asked the people she’s working for to help her out? Companies are good about helping with that at least for the short term or to give advice where to search. Moving alone is rough ๐Ÿ™

    • 6.21.11
      Michelle said:

      I have tried the maple and brown sugar variety, but I think I’m bi-partial to the “original” brown sugar variety.

      Eh! I wasn’t that impressed with the Mmm Sauce. It has a very strong curry taste, and I used to like curried-flavored things, but I think I’m tired of it now. It could also be the manner in which I used the sauce. I am thinking about trying it in a wrap next time.

      Her adviser for her internship actually suggested the interns not live together. I think because there gets to be a lot of drama brought home and you next really get a break from your internship.

  19. 6.22.11
    Krissie J said:

    Your hubs is so cute! He’s a good race manager (haha what Scott refers to himself when I run races)! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  20. 6.22.11
    Krissie J said:

    Your hubs is so cute! He’s a good race manager (haha what Scott refers to himself when I run races)! ๐Ÿ˜‰