Progressive Easter

I thought the clouds would break and we would have a sun-filled Easter Sunday, but sadly no.

Like I said in my previous post, our Easter service started at 11 p.m. Saturday night so we ccould celebrate Christ’s resurrection as soon at Easter Sunday got underway (midnight)!

By 9 p.m. last night (Saturday), I was dragging and knew it was going to be very difficult to stay away! After our 2.5 hour service, I finally crawled into bed around 2 a.m. last night/this morning! Yet, my internal clock woke me up at 6:30 a.m. this morning. I figure I’ll just go to bed early tonight. 😕

I had a light breakfast because I knew we would be heading to my in-law’s church for an Easter brunch in a few hours.

A Green Monster because I knew I wouldn’t be getting many veggies today!

I also toasted half of a bagel and spread a little peanut butter on it. I love crunchy peanut butter. I love crunchy foods to begin with!

Today turned into a progressive Easter celebration.

Meal #2: Brunch at my in-law’s church

biscuits and gravy + eggs + ham + hash browns

It was a treat for me to have biscuits and gravy. Usually I would shy away from something like this, but I guess today I felt like I would splurge a little!

I also had some fruit (canned unfortunately) + orange juice.

I have not had orange juice (or actually any juice) in such a long time that the juice tasted extremely sweet, and I didn’t even like it.

After the brunch, we attended a worship service at my in-law’s church.

During the next couple of hours, I spent my time prepping for the week and running a couple of errands.

Meal #3: Dinner at the church Craig and I attend.

We attend a church with a high population of Greeks, so there was a lot of Greek foods.

lamb soup, orzo, asparagus, rice, chicken, potatoes, and sweet breads

I also went back for a small plate of dessert samples.

Once again this weekend has disappeared, and it is time to go to bed to get some rest.

I hope your weekend was a good one! 🙂

Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 4.25.11

    I woke up more tired then I was yesterday waking up at 4:30 ha. Your meals look delicious and that is a great idea about the Green monsters when you know you aren’t getting enough veggies.

  2. 4.25.11
    the dawn said:

    wow, yummy food. but it sounds like you need a little more sleep 🙂 hope you got it last night!!

  3. 4.25.11
    Hannah said:

    The Greek dinner looks delicious! Greek food is the best! What type of church do you attend? I go to a nondenom- but love to go to traditional services over the holidays.

    Hope you have a good week- I couldn;t agree more- Easter weekend flew by!

    • 4.25.11
      Michelle said:

      I like Greek food, but I don’t like that every dish is covered in oil!

      We attend a Greek Orthodox church.

  4. 4.25.11
    lifttorun said:

    I hope you had a good Easter!