ABCs of Me

Today’s Run

Distance: 5 miles

Time: 44 minutes

Weather: 23 degrees (much more bearable)

Since I did this run 12 hours after yesterday’s run, I took it on the “easy” side this morning. I thought my legs were going to feel tired from yesterday’s 7 miles, but they actually felt pretty good. 🙂

The roads were SUPER slippery around the neighborhoods though. During the day, the sun starts to melt the snow, but then everything refreezes at night again. I cannot wait until I am able to run on dry pavement again! It is these little things that I no longer take for granted!


I know the ABCs of Me have been going around the blog world for a while now, but would it be arrogant if I rewrote some of the ABCs and did my own thing?? I hope no one is offended because I am changing things up a bit:

Age – just turned 28 (30 is getting TOO close)

Bed time – 9:00-9:30 p.m. (I’m a grandma.)

College – Concordia College (Moorhead, MN) (Go COBBERS!!)

Driver or rider (in a car) – I enjoy both. If I feel safe with the driver, I’m all about riding, but if I feel like you are putting my life in danger, hand over the wheel!

Eye color – blue

Favorite food – sushi or a salad

Goal in life – break 3:30 in the marathon

Hometown – Waseca, MN

Injury – One time I stabbed myself with a pencil in 3rd grade right before taking the Iowa Basic Skills Standardized Test.

Job title – elementary physical education teacher

Kitchen gadget (favorite) – Misto

Longest road trip – Minnesota to Alaska (3500 miles!)

Magazine – Runner’s World (betcha didn’t see that coming)

Newest obsessionToms

One new food you’ve recently tried – applesauce + ground fennel (I know it sounds odd, but Craig added some freshly ground fennel to his applesauce the other day, and it was amazingly good!)

Pets – none (But Craig really wants a dog.)

Quirk – I don’t shave my legs very often (especially during the winter), but I have to shave my armpits every day!

Restaurantchain: Panera Bread; local: Ginger or Middle Way

Store – Gap (J. Crew if I could afford more things.)

TV show – The Bachelor

Undergraduate degree – Bachelor of Arts ~ double major: health education, physical education

Vacation destination – I love to travel period, but warm, tropical places definitely top the list: Hawaii, U.S. Virgin Islands

Wake-up time – 5:00 – 5:30 a.m.

X-rays – just at the dentist and chiropractor

Your least favorite clothing item to shop for – jeans (hands down!)

Zodiac sign – Pisces



Tell me one of your answers to these ABCs.

Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 3.17.11

    Um my bed time is like the exact same time! Twinnies! I hate hate hate shopping for jeans ick.

  2. 3.17.11
    Emily said:

    I’m a grandmother too! Don’t feel badly. It comes with the sport.

  3. 3.17.11
    Hannah said:

    L- Longest Roadtrip: Love the roadtrip one! I never made that one, but what an experience that would be! We drove from MN to FL when I was 8 for a family vacation- WHEW! I love road trips though!

    Y: I COMPLETELY agree with you about shopping- jeans usually take me hours and then I get discouraged and leave empty handed. I just hate having to try on pair after pair for the right fit. (so I live my life in leggings these days)

    T- TV: And I am with you on Fav TV Show. Can’t wait for Ashley next season 🙂

    P- What kind of dog does Craig want? I really want a rescued greyhound or palmeranian (so cute and fluffy)

  4. 3.17.11
    Sarah said:

    ooh this is fun 🙂 new food: today is ben’s birthday and he gets the day off work, so we had a special breakfast: mexican eggs (eggs + tomatoes w/ green chilis) with an english muffin, black bean spread, and guac! yum 🙂 i will definitely be making this again!

  5. 3.17.11
    my little celebration said:

    Fun post!

    My eye color is green :D.

  6. 3.17.11
    Mary @ Bites and Bliss said:

    lmho..did you stab yourself to get out of the test??

  7. 3.17.11
    lindsay said:

    I think we are twins here! 28 yrs old, want to run a sub 3:30 marathon, wake up at 5am, bed at 9pm, sheesh! Where have you been my long lost friend.

  8. 3.17.11
    Craig Baxter said:

    in the 1-2-3 of me you are #1 to me