Grade Day

Go figure! I come in to school to do grades today, and the online grade book—where we have to post all of our grades—in down!

So what better time than to do a little recap of my morning! 🙂

Even though I’m still a little under the weather, after two days of not running, the itch was getting too strong, so I attempted a 4-mile run this morning. While it was by no means a particularly good run, I was just happy to be out there running!

Craig and I were both able to go in a little late to work this morning, so we stopped by Kaladi Bros. to get some coffee.

We love going to the coffee shop and just hanging out! We always end up having really good conversations! 🙂

A decaf Americano with cream and sugar for me, and a sludge cup with a half shot of raspberry syrup and cream for him.

And a delicious bowl of overnight 2 hour oats!

old-fashioned oats + oat bran + milk + plain yogurt + a drizzle of agave nectar + chia seeds + vanilla extract + banana slices on top + almond butter

Also on the table, my box of tissues that now goes everywhere with me. I actually had to go to Target last night because I already went through an entire box this week!

Hopefully I can get my grades done today and not have to come in over spring break!!


1.) If you have spring break, when is/was it?

My sister’s college spring break was two weeks ago; it is super early!

2.) What are your plans for the evening?

Craig and I are celebrating my birthday (which was yesterday) tonight!! I’m stoked!!

Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 3.4.11
    Sarah said:

    my spring break is the week of march 14… that’s crazy that your sister’s already happened! my friend is a teacher in NC and hers is the week after easter… so this year, april 25-30. it’s crazy late. she’s going crazy because they haven’t had any days off since jan 10… but then will only have 6 wks after spring break til the end of the year.

    tonight we picked up our taxes and had a random dinner out at mcdonalds. lol, i already did my long run for the week so here’s to junk food 🙂

  2. 3.4.11
    my little celebration said:

    Chipotle tonight!!!

    Get better friend!

  3. 3.4.11

    Wow my spring break is right now. YAY. I’m glad you are at least able to catch us up on your life!

    Hope the gradebook went back up-I know that is a pain.

    I have been itching to run too but with my fractured heels that just isn’t happening. 🙁