It’s All in the Toppings

The other day I proclaimed I was tired of oatmeal, but I believe I have rekindled my love! 🙂

How, you ask? Well. . . . I have discovered—it is all in the toppings!

I think most people make the same base of oatmeal, using the same ingredients each time, but it is the variety of toppings that takes a bowl of oatmeal from “mundane” to “marvelous!”

The star in this bowl of oatmeal:

Blueberry-Lemon Muffins

(Based off  this recipe.)

Yield: 12 muffins


3/4 cup milk

1 tablespoon white vinegar

3/4 cup all-purpose flour

1 cup whole-wheat pastry flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup brown sugar

1/4 cup canola oil

1/2 lemon, juiced

2 teaspoons lemon zest

1 large egg

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup frozen blueberries

Streusel topping

(based off this recipe)

1/2 cup sugar

1/6 cup all-purpose flour

1/4 ground cinnamon

2 tablespoons butter


1. Mix milk with vinegar; let stand.

2. Whisk the all-purpose flour, whole-wheat flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a large bowl.

3. In a separate bowl, whisk the milk and vinegar mixture with the brown sugar, oil, lemon juice, lemon zest, egg, and vanilla extract until well combined.

4. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour in the wet ingredients; stir until just combined.

5. Add blueberries; stir until combined.

6. Divide batter among muffin cups lined with paper cups or greased with non-stick spray.

7. Mix streusel ingredients together and sprinkle over batter.

8. Bake at 400°F for 18-20 or until toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Both Craig and I really liked these muffins—especially the strudel topping!

They could have used some extra zest or lemon juice because the lemon flavor wasn’t that prominent.


I am pretty frustrated right now because I am sick AGAIN! This would honestly be about the fifth time this school year that I’ve been sick–that’s nearly once a month!!

I know it is caused from stress, but until this school year is over, there isn’t much I can do. 😕

I debated about not running this morning, but thought I’d give it a go. I felt okay–nothing great, but nothing horrible either.

Still I cranked out 8 miles in 1:08.

I had plans of running 57 miles this week, but I think it will be best I lay low for a couple of day and get better before spring break next week.

That’s right, Thursday is my last day of teaching this week, Friday is grading day, and then it is spring break for a week, baby!! I want to be good and healthy next week, so I can runrunrun!!



What is/are your favorite topping(s) for your oatmeal?

I don’t think I could ever eat another bowl of oatmeal without some sort of nut butter at the bare minimum.

Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 3.2.11
    megan @ blackberries for jam said:

    I hope you feel better soon! It’s pretty impressive you still cranked out 8 miles in a flash!

  2. 3.2.11
    Hannah said:

    Great pace for 8 miles! And the pics of the muffins are perfect lighting- very nice!

    My favorite toppings are vanilla almond milk and dense sweet fruit like figs, chopped prunes, or raisins. For crunch I like any type of nut- usually almonds:)

    yum- never thought of muffins… that looks DELICIOUS!

  3. 3.2.11
    Emily said:

    Muffins on oatmeal sounds heavenly. I always top mine with banana, kashi crunch and lately peanut butter. I’m obsessed with the way it melts into the oats and skyrockets the deliciousness of the bowl.

    • 3.2.11
      Michelle said:

      I love having a crunch factor in my oatmeal!

  4. 3.2.11
    Stephanie @ The Cookie Battle said:

    Pumpkin butter is by far my favorite oatmeal topping, along with walnuts or pecans. Almost like eating pumpkin pie. Delish.

    • 3.2.11
      Michelle said:

      That’s a great idea! I still have pumpkin butter that I should put on my oatmeal the next time I make it.

  5. 3.2.11
    my little celebration said:

    Great post! The oatmeal AND muffins look seriously delicious. I’ll have to give that recipe a try. I reeeeaally like strudel topping.

    My favorite oatmeal toppings are peanut butter, bananas and blueberries :D.

  6. 3.2.11
    Allison @ PickyEatingRD said:

    Im so weird about the texture of oatmeal so if i am going to eat it i need soemthing crunchy added to it. I also loveeee adding almond butter!

    • 3.2.11
      Michelle said:

      If I want a crunch-factor in my oatmeal, I will add granola or some sort of cereal.

  7. 3.2.11
    the dawn said:

    now i’m hungry for muffins 🙂 looks so good! i’ve never thought about dressing up my oatmeal with them though. i’ve pretty much given up on oatmeal….i can’t ever seem to get it just right….

  8. 3.2.11

    I totally agree! Oatmeal without nut butter would just feel wrong. Thos muffins look amazing.

    I hope you feel better soon!!!

  9. 3.2.11
    Sarah said:

    ha, funny, i blogged about lemon blueberry bread today! 🙂 feel better soon!

  10. 3.3.11

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY GORGEOUS GIRL!!! I hope you are feeling better and you are so right….it is all about the toppings:) You are beautiful and I hope you have the best day ever!