1.) I don’t like listening to music while I run. I’ve never been able to get into it. I’ve tried but end up missing the quietness of the world—since I do most of my running in the morning. I do, however, prefer listening to something while running on the treadmill.
2.) I often wear the same running clothes two (sometimes three!—especially in the winter) days in a row. I figure no one knows the difference because it is dark outside when I’m running in the mornings anyhow.
3.) If I run right away in the morning, I wear my glasses because me eyes feel too tired to put my contacts in.
4.) There are certain pairs of underwear I will not wear on a run! (Can you say, wedgie!)
5.) I will eat something within about 20 minutes of returning from a run. I can’t go longer than that otherwise I get extreme hunger pains.
6.) I rarely stop during a run. The only times I stop include: when I have to tie a shoe lace, for a red light, or if I find money.
7.) Since living in Alaska, I am constantly on edge that I will run into a moose while out running, so I rarely zone out anymore. 🙁
8.) My favorite time to start a run is just as it is getting light! So basically I am watching the sun rise during my run. 🙂
9.) I rarely say “hi” to other people walking/running/biking if I pass them. I don’t mean to be rude; I’m just shy.
10.) I feel guilty driving to a different location to run, so 99% of my runs are done from my apartment.
Friday morning I ran 3 miles to the gym, lifted weights at the gym for 30 minutes, then ran back home. I was still feeling pretty tired, but it was a nice change and a way to break things up.
I think the reason I’ve been feeling extra tired this week is due to the fact I haven’t had a day off from working out in 12 days.
I usually take Mondays off, but I opted to do 90 minutes of yoga this last Monday. I thought this would be a good option the day after my long run, but the class included quite a bit of power and intensity rather than pure stretching, so I think that has been making me feel extra tired these days.
I am confident after a full rest day next Monday I will be good and ready for another 50+ mile week!
What is your confession as a runner?
If you are not a runner, share something random about yourself.
I’m always scared my car key/house key is going to fall out of my zipper pockets! I check them all the time, just to make sure. 🙂
I always double check to make sure I have my key before I leave too!
sometimes on long runs i’ll sing along to my music to psych myself back up. i may or may not have done that on mile 15 of 18 this morning…. hehe
i agree running in the morning is soo great! its quiet, peaceful, the sun is rising, and it makes the day seem like you can accomplish so much more since your already ahead of the game when everyone is snoozing 😉
I’m just like you. I would rather run straight from my apartment. I say hi way to much when I run and I honestly think it freaks people out ahaha!
I am never freaked out by people who say “hi.” I think you should keep doing it.
These are great! Here are a few of mine:
1) I don’t listen to music either. The quietness is really soothing to me. Not to mention it’s so much safer!
2) I reuse my running clothes too. Sometimes even when they’re smelly.
3) I know you’re supposed to run against traffic, but it just doesn’t feel right to me. I run on lightly-traveled residential roads and wear a reflective vest so running with traffic doesn’t seem terrible. Plus, I switch sides if there is a blind spot ahead. And see #1.
4) I’m pretty sure my neighbors think I’m totally crazy because I’m out there running in any kind of weather.
5) I spit A LOT when I run. And I have a really hard time achieving a non-drooly spitball.
We have very similar habits when we run! I often run on the “right” side of the road (or down the middle) since I also run on minimally traveled residential roads. I know my neighbors think I’m crazy! The only difference is that I don’t spit when I run.
1) I wear the same sports bra multiple times in a row before washing it…because I only own two! They’re just so expensive.
2) I judge people who run in cotton. haha! But really, I do. I’m a snob.
3) I can get obsessive with the numbers on my garmin.
Love them!