Bottomless Pit

I was a bottomless pit today and yesterday!

(I have to admit I’m glad I’m not a food blogger who documents everything they eat because I would have had to post about 50 different pictures!)

After doing my long run of 13 miles on Sunday, I was hungry all day long yesterday. . . and still feeling the effects today.

I can’t wait until it is summer again and my BFF (Best Friend Forever/BoyFriend Forever/Husband) will join me on my long runs and keep me company! 🙂

When completing a long run, I often have to “force” myself to refuel because I don’t have my usual hunger cravings. Yet I know my body needs to be refueled, so I make sure to get protein and some carbs back in my system.

I can complete about 10 miles without feeling extremely exhausted, so I think this is a mileage my body is pretty well adapted to. However, once I get close to 2 hours of running, I don’t feel hungry the rest of the day, but come the next day. . . watch out because I can’t seem to ever get full!

Just a couple of my eats from the day:

I am addicted to my wraps!

spinach + turkey + havarti cheese + tomato + green onion

These Taco Loco tortilla chips are made locally in Anchorage, and Craig and I love them and have been buying for a couple years now. They have an excellent authentic tortilla taste with just a hint of salt.

And a big bowl of steamed broccoli–one of my favorite ways to eat my veggies!

This ice cream should be illegal to create!! Seriously. . . .this is not good!


I am cutting back my mileage this week because for the past 4 weeks, I’ve increased my mileage 10% each week, so it is time to give my legs/body a little break.

I debated about running 5 miles this morning, but after 3, I knew it was best to only run 4; I was tired! It was still a good run nonetheless!


I have the driest hands and can never seem to find any sort of relief for them.

I have tried so many different kinds/brands of lotion but have never been fully satisfied.

These are the following kinds I have tried recently:





And last night, I bought this kind.


So far I like the Curel, but I want to give it a few days until I’ve had more time to test it out.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a good hand lotion?



Do you get hungry right after a hard/long workout . . . or the next day?

Random Question

If you could change places with someone for the day, who would it be?

I would love to be Kara Goucher for a day!!


Hi, I'm Michelle

I love running around the lakes of Minnesota, running after my two boys, and racing anything from the 5K to the marathon. I have been blogging here since 2010 when I ran my first marathon. I finally secured my sub-3 hour marathon after trying for 8 years.

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  1. 2.9.11
    Michelle said:

    i miss you babe.

    • 2.9.11
      Michelle said:

      Ha! Ha! My husband actually wrote this!

  2. 2.9.11
    Caroline said:

    I usually cannot eat anything right after a long run or hard workout, I have to force myself to eat..but I’m the same way as you..the next out!

    If I could switch places with somebody for a day I would switch with my cat. She is so lucky, she just lays in the warm sun and naps all day. I always am jealous as I’m bundling up to go to my car for work and she is just sunning herself…grrr…

  3. 2.9.11
    Rosie said:

    I would recommend a lotion called miracle hand cream, I found it at bed bath and beyond but I’m sure you can find it somewhere up in Alaska or order it. It is amazing and I love that it doesn’t really smell like anything. Here is a link:

  4. 2.9.11
    Rosie said:

    I would recommend using a lotion called miracle hand cream. I found it at bed bath and beyond, but I bet you could find it somewhere in Alaska or get it online. It works really well, and I like that there isn’t much of a scent to it.

    • 2.9.11
      Rosie said:

      Ok so my first post didn’t show up so I thought I did something wrong and posted another. Now you have two haha!

      • 2.9.11
        Michelle said:

        That’s because I found it in my spam, so I unspammed it.

      • 2.10.11
        Rosie said:

        Well that explains it! 🙂

  5. 2.9.11
    dana @ my little celebration said:

    If I could change places with someone for a day, it would probably be Michelle Obama. I just want to see what it’s like to be married to a person with one of the most stressful jobs in the world. Must be a task!

    • 2.9.11
      Michelle said:

      Oh my goodness, I could not imagine being the president and having the entire weight of the country on my shoulders!!

  6. 2.9.11
    Stephanie @ The Cookie Battle said:

    L’Occitane shea butter hand cream…it’s pricey but it’s so worth it. Also, have you ever considered sleeping with gloves on? I do that sometimes in the winter when my hands get dry. Simply slather on a bunch of lotion, slip the gloves on and in the morning my hands are smooth and soft.

    And I am always hungry the day after I work out…funny how that works!

  7. 2.9.11

    I loved reading about Kara Goucher during her first Boston Marathon a few years back. She is such an inspiration! And now especially- how she is still competing with the support of her husband and son. Do you follow her blog? I Love it!

    Haha, I can relate to the bottomless pit! Once after a 20 mile run with my friend Amy, we went to a all you can eat salad/pasta bar called Sweet Tomatoes and literally ate everything in sight!

    Keep up the running! You have great motivation! I hope to get back into distance running soon and reading your blog is building up my excitment again! 🙂

    • 2.9.11
      Michelle said:

      Yes, Kara Goucher’s blog is in my Google reader!!

      Good luck with getting back into running longer distances!

  8. 2.9.11
    Mom said:

    I think by adding more meat to your diet you would feel full longer.
    Plus you would add more protein to your diet.

    • 2.9.11
      Michelle said:

      Well, I guess it is a good thing I had salmon chowder for lunch than.

  9. 2.10.11
    megan @ blackberries for jam said:

    I just stumbled across your blog – hello from Vermont! And hooray for long runs in cold climates! I completed my long run for the week of 13 miles yesterday and I can totally relate to that bottomless pit feeling. For me, it strikes either later on during the day of my run or the following day. I try to just go with it, but sometimes I feel like I just can’t catch up to my stomach.

    Have you ever tried Eucerin hand lotion? That has worked well for me and it doesn’t leave a greasy residue. I also love Nature’s Gate lotion:

  10. 2.10.11
    Sarah said:

    i’m just like that too…day of a long run, not too hungry but the next couple days it can be BAD!! 🙂

    as for hand creams, i love crabtree & evelyn products. they’re pricey but worth it. i love that they aren’t greasy. if you google them you can find their website or they’re sold in gift shop type stores… the hand cream i love is called hand therapy cream… i like lavender & nantucket briar scents.

  11. 2.11.11
    Kimberly said:

    I’ve had dry skin for a really long time (plus seasonal eczema, too), and my hands actually started cracking by my fingernails last winter, even though I am constantly putting on lotion. I tried SO MANY different products, even vaseline/neosporin and gloves/band-aids at night.
    I started using “hard lotion” about 2 months ago:

    It actually HEALED my cracked skin, and helps with the eczema, too. It’s not cheap, but I think it actually comes out to a similar price to a good lotion, maybe even cheaper, since I got the 3 Pack Beesilk Dry Skin Care and have only used ~1/2 of it over 2 months, and I use it a few times/day. One of my favorite bloggers over at Kitchen Stewardship sometimes runs promotions for hard lotions.

    I totally sound like an infomercial, but I have been floored to find something that actually works, even though it’s a bit different 🙂