Last night I was in bed by 9:00 p.m. and my lamp was off at 9:20! I think that might be a record for me. When 5 a.m. rolled around, it wasn’t too much of a struggle to get out of bed.
This morning I did a quick 4 mile run (33:00 minutes) because I had a staff meeting to be at by 8:00 a.m., which meant leaving home at 7:15 a.m. (Yuck! That’s early for me.)
Here’s a recap of Monday’s run because I realized I forgot to post about it last night.
Monday’s run:
25 minute warm-up
25 minute tempo run (app. 7:30 – 7:45 minutes/mile pace)
4 minute cool-down
Total: 7 miles, 54 minutes
Overall it was a really good run, especially at the beginning. Maybe it was the caffeine from the black iced tea I had before leaving?? I’ll have to experiment and see if that’s the case.
After work today, Craig and I headed straight to the gym for our weekly weight lifting session.
Here’s a list of the lifts I did:
– squats
– bench press
– lat pull-downs
– leg abduction
– leg adduction
– bicep curls
– back extensions
– abs
I generally do 10 – 12 repetitions of each and two sets.
I was hungry when I got home, so I immediately heated up the Butternut Squash Soup (based off this recipe) I made over the weekend. It was nice to be able to have something already prepared!
As far as I can remember, I’ve only had squash soup once before, so I was quite sure what to expect. Rest assured this soup was awesome! It was creamy, full of flavor, and I loved the addition of the curry in it! 🙂Where does the time go? I can’t believe it is time for bed again!!
i’m glad you liked that soup. i made pumpkin soup this week and have been planning on making butternut squash soup & was looking for a recipe! i though the curry was interesting too!