Eight months down, only one month left (approximately)! That translates to 3 miles left of this marathon of a pregnancy!! NOW we’re getting close, and I can nearly taste the end.

Honestly not too much has changed over the last month–other than this belly growing. I’ve felt about the same, running has been about the same, sleeping has been pretty good (just feel like a beached whale sometimes when I try to roll over), and my energy has been good. I am definitely counting my blessings because I know this isn’t the case for many women.
I am, however, running out of clothes that fit. I think I’m down to about two long sleeve running shirts and have now resorted to wearing Craig’s jackets. I am doing my best to hold out in non-maternity clothes–and I still have a few options!–but the options are becoming more limited. (I wrote an entire blog post about my recommendations for non-maternity clothes worn as maternity clothes, which you can read HERE.)
The weekly miles are decreasing, and I’ve been running about every other day. I don’t have any pain or discomfort anywhere; I just feel like I am carrying around a 25 pound dumbbell now. I keep up with my running though because I still get a little bit of a runner’s high when I do complete a run, I love how it makes me feel, plus staying in the habit is good for my routine.
The one bummer is that my high hamstring injury seems to be coming back. It randomly bothered me on a two mile run last week but not after running 6 miles. I’m not sure how that works?! I just know I need to be super diligent with strengthening it, foam rolling it, and getting ART or dry needling on it when I do return to training.

Glucose Testing
I did have to retake my glucose test because I failed the one-hour glucose test, and I was in the “potentially at-risk” range for gestational diabetes. I was shocked and devastated, and frankly embarrassed because even though I have let myself indulge in some extra treats these last eight months, I didn’t think it was outside the 80/20 range (80% healthy, 20% unhealthy).
I finally swallowed my pride and went in for the three hour test and hoped and prayed I wouldn’t be diagnosed with gestational diabetes. Thankfully I did pass, and I don’t have gestational diabetes. I’m not sure if I had something to eat too close to the first one-hour test, but I definitely felt my blood sugar spike after drinking that first bottle of sugar water. Immediately I though, “Obviously, my body is not used to this amount of sugar!” But I think it has more to do with the fact that your body can’t control the level of glucose in your blood. Either way, all is good, and I’m relieved.
Preparing for the Baby
All of the important things are done and ready for the baby. I finished his room last month (You can see an entire house tour on my Instagram highlights that are saved on my bio.), I bought a Halo Bassinet, which I’m really excited to use; the diapers are ready to go; all of the clothes are washed and ready in the drawer; and really those are the essentials at first. I am hoping to be able to breastfeed, and other than that, I have put the rest of the items on my wish list for my sprinkle.
I am trying to get as many things done off my to-do list, so I have less to worry about when the baby is here–vet appointments taken care of, starting to stock up on food and things in the freezer a little bit (however, we don’t have much additional storage space), I have even tried to unsubscribe to as many email subscriptions as I can, so they aren’t flooding my inbox. The one thing I do need to do is take Taking Cara Babies class on newborn sleep. I’ve heard so many great things about her program and am hoping for a much better sleeper this time around.

Fast Facts:
Food craving: watermelon
Food aversion: Veggie Straws
Annoying development: the skin on my upper body has been really itchy–even waking me up at night sometimes.
Weight gained: 25 pounds
Linea nigra (the black line that runs down your belly): nope
Stretch marks: none so far (I had a few on my belly after Cullen was born, so I expect the same this time around.)
Name: first and middle name finalized (It’s a secret we haven’t shared with anyone.)
And a few other fun facts about this pregnancy:
8 months pregnant
7 races this baby has run
60 miles – the highest weekly mileage run during this pregnancy
5 – the number of years between this baby and Cullen
4 states this child has run in (AK, HI, MN, OR)
3rd place at the Hightail Quarter Marathon
2 aversions: Veggie Straws and a glute-free cracker we bought at Costco
1 baby boy who will be loved and adored by his family
Pregnancy Emotions
Fortunately, I haven’t had many of the normal pregnancy emotions that most women have. I don’t cry at the drop of a hat or get crazy anxious over small things. I did cry over some VBAC frustration, but I think that was pretty justified. I think Craig would agree that how I act during pregnancy is pretty much the same as when I’m not pregnant. Now postpartum hormones were definitely more dominant and felt after having Cullen. (No postpartum depression but more crying–for highs and lows–than usual.)
This past weekend, Craig, Cullen, and I spent a couple days in Seward, AK for a “babymoon”–if you can call it that when you bring your child along. We had fun walking the beach, going to the Sea Life Center, hiking back to a glacier, and just spending time together. I’m going to do a full recap soon, so check back for that.

The Halo bassinet is well worth the money.I was even able to resale it for a pretty good amount to recoup the cost. One of my FAVORITE items that I bought for my second was.. I kid you not… a remote controlled night light. It was like $15 off amazon. It was great for the middle of the night because it was just enough light to let me nurse and but still keep the room dim. I had one for our bedroom and one for the nursery.
Anyways… congrats on having a great pregnancy thus far!
I actually got the bassinet used (but in like-new condition), which I was pretty stoked about. The version I got actually has a couple of lights on it, and I’m hoping it is just enough to see when nursing in the middle of the night. <3