I realized that I have officially run over 900 miles with this baby! I even surpassed the total miles I did with Cullen, and if everything goes okay, I should be able to hit 1000 miles before this baby comes.
The miles are slowly dwindling, but I totally expected this to happen. I have been able to keep doing one hard/interval/tempo workout each week, but the long runs don’t seem to be possible anymore. I’m getting cramping/tightening in my lower abdomen on every run, which has definitely affected how much I can run. It isn’t debilitating, but there is no reason to push through it, and honestly it isn’t an enjoyable feeling either.

top (very accommodating for the bump) | shorts | shoes | watch
Week 31 of pregnancy – August 19 – 25
Monday – 4 miles | easy run | 9:55 pace
It is definitely fall now! No more tank tops. I’ll still wear shorts as long as I can, but I always end up covering my arms before my legs. This was a pretty typical run these days–a walk break about every 0.25 – 0.5 mile, and about a 2 minutes per mile slower pace than what I run when I’m not pregnant.
Tuesday – 30 minutes of weights at the gym
I have mostly resorted to running every other day or no more than two days in a row. On the other days I have been resting or lifting weights.
Wednesday – 5 miles | stroller run | 10:05 pace
I pushed Cullen in the stroller to the Lake Hood park to watch the float planes take off and land. We also packed a lunch and met Craig there for a picnic. It was a gorgeous day–sun shining with signs of fall and warm afternoons.
Thursday – 3 miles | run/walk | 13:47 pace
A 40 minute run/walk with our dog, Sadie. She is not one for doing much running on leash, so I’m doing a lot of coaxing to get her going by the end–especially when she knows the run/walk is almost over.
Friday – 45 minutes of weights at the gym
Saturday – 2 miles | easy run/walk | 11:30 pace
I was really hoping to be able to do a pseudo-long run, but I had too much cramping and tightening that I knew I needed to turn around and head back home after one mile.
Sunday – 2 miles | easy run/walk | 10:30 pace
Once again the cramping/tightening started before mile one and there just wasn’t any reason to go farther.
Total: 16 miles

top (that has been amazing for the bump!) | shorts | shoes
Week 32 of pregnancy – August 26 – September 1
Monday – off
A day of complete rest after working out every day last week.
Tuesday – 3 miles | run/walk intervals | 10:58 pace + 30 minutes of weights
Usually I take my walk breaks whenever I feel like it, but today I decided to structure them and did 2 minutes of easy jogging followed by 1 minute of walking. I’m indifferent on whether I like the structured run/walk intervals or “open” intervals better. Most likely I’ll keep them open, but it was fun to change it up. After the run, I did 30 minutes of weights at the gym.
Wednesday – off
Thursday – 6 miles | interval workout
I missed an interval/hard/long/race workout last week, but I made sure to get one in this week.
There’s nothing like passing some high school boys running the mile while 32 weeks pregnant. (I have no mercy.) Here was the interval workout I did:
1.5 mile warm-up
2 x 200 meters (splits – 0:48, 0:49)
4 x 400 meters (splits – 1:37, 1:36, 1:35, 1:38)
2 x 200 meters (splits – 0:44, 0:46)
cool-down to 6 miles
This is about the only way I can get any sort of “mileage” in. If I tried to do an easy run for 6 miles, it would have been much more difficult.
Friday – off
Another rest day as I got too busy doing work, cleaning the house, and a play date with friends.
Saturday – 2 miles | run/walk | 11:35 pace
Why do I even bother trying to run with Sadie, she probably dislikes it as much as I do. Ha!
Sunday – 3 miles | easy run | 9:51 pace
Sometimes I’ll keep my watch running during the walk breaks, this time I didn’t and ran 3 full miles–not continuous, as I did take walk breaks.
Total: 14 miles

long sleeve top | shorts | shoes
I averaged 13 miles per week with Cullen during the third trimester, so these two weeks of 14 and 16 miles are basically on par with how much I was able to do with him during the home stretch. We are nearing mile 22 of this pregnancy marathon, which is always when I start to struggle in the marathon! I’m sure it won’t be easy from here on out, but I’ll keep putting one foot in front of the other to get to the end.