We’re moving right along in this pregnancy. Six months done, three to go!
So far everything’s been going great with this pregnancy–I feel really good, my check-ups with the doctor have been uneventful (which I am okay with), and I am feeling a lot of movement from the baby, which is exciting! The baby gets especially active when I eat and lay down to go to bed, which has me convinced that newborns have their days and nights mixed up because all day long we rock the baby to sleep while walking around, and then he/she wakes up when we go to sleep and stop moving. Ha!

I cannot complain about my running this past month at all. I ran a half marathon this past month, ran 14 miles with 14 weeks left of this pregnancy, and so far my pain has been quite minimal. I’ve been able to run longer distances than I did with Cullen, so I’m calling that a win. However, the 14-miler this last Sunday did wipe me out, so I while I can run this distance, I find my body (obviously) needs longer to recover. My weekly mileage has been around 25-30 miles most weeks, but I’ve also had weeks much lower as I listen to my body and put energy into other projects I’ve been working on.

VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean):
I think I’ve gotten the most questions regarding my VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) journey. Ha! I’ve had a lot of people reach out to help offer help and suggestions, but I am encountering a lot of road blocks trying to make it happen.
The one thing I have been working on getting figured is to see if doing a VBAC is possible for me–whether that’s something my doctor would do for me and my insurance would allow. I asked on Instagram if anyone has done a VBAC at Regional Hospital here in Anchorage, so feel free to chime in below in the comments if you have any knowledge of this. (Right now–from what I understand–is that Regional does do them, but so few doctors want to do a VBAC there.)
Food cravings/aversions:
Give me all the watermelon right now! Actually, I don’t think that is a pregnancy craving; I just really love watermelon in general! I’m pretty sure Cullen and I polished off an entire watermelon from Costco in a couple of days the other week.
Sometimes I crave savory foods, sometimes it is a sweet/carb-y food, but in general, I can’t say I’ve had many/any cravings.
I did make this Ginger-Molasses Granola from the Run Fast Eat Slow cookbook that was phenomenal.

Maternity Clothes:
I have definitely purchased more maternity clothes this time around. With Cullen (and your first in general) I didn’t “pop” as soon, so my regular clothes fit me longer, but that has not been the case this time around.
I got to wear quite a few true summer clothes a couple weeks ago when we were having temps in the 70s and 80s, which I was stoked about! These two pieces are actually both non-maternity. I just sized up in them, so they would fit this growing bump.
This Sunday is the Hightail Half & Quarter Marathon. I plan to run the quarter marathon, which is what I ran with Cullen. I have been coaching the training group for this race (plus I have a few athletes of my own racing), so I’m excited to celebrate with them and cap off their hard work with a big party!