Last Saturday I ran my 5th race during this pregnancy at 5 months pregnant. It was also my second half marathon during this pregnancy and most likely my last, which I am okay with. I have a couple other races that I plan on doing within the next few months, but they are all shorter.

I have to admit that racing with little expectations and pressure is quite nice. I hardly did any warm-ups, wasn’t nearly as nervous as I usually am, and I enjoyed being able to run this distance at 5 months pregnant since I know even the fittest people sometimes aren’t able to run during their pregnancy.
Going into the race, I was aiming to run right under an 8 minute pace, which was based off my performance during Cullen’s pregnancy at this same race. (As a reminder, I am at nearly the same point in this pregnancy as I was with Cullen, so it can be fun to compare–but I also get caught up in things that are different or didn’t go as well.) When I was pregnant with Cullen, I averaged a 7:57 pace, which seemed doable this time around as well.
When I started the race, I wanted things to feel easy and very comfortable, which they did. (Usually I feel like I am racing from the get-go no matter the distance, so this was a strange feeling.) I settled into a 7:20/7:30 pace right away, which felt comfortable and doable. About 3 miles into the race, we ran up the hill towards Earthquake Park, which is normally where everyone turns left to the parking lot area but instead I saw a large group of people continue going straight down the path instead of turning.
I’ve run this race a few times before, so I know the course well and knew this is where we had turned in the past. Plus, there were markings on the course with bright red/orange arrows stuck to the pavement, indicating to turn left and a big, yellow sign that said “Marathon” with an arrow pointing to the left. Now I know the marathon doesn’t go out this way, but I don’t doubt people go confused because we were running the HALF marathon.
I paused a couple seconds at the corner second-guessing myself, but then I saw an official on a bike saying something, so I figured he was trying to get people to turn at the corner. I turned and went the right way and when I got out to the road again, I only saw one other runner in front of me who had gone the right way. When I checked the final results, only two females in front of me (the winner and one other person) went the right way. I was 13th for the women, so 11 women (and several guys) went the wrong way. I know this because there was a timing mat at mile 3.3, and for those who went the wrong way, they did not cross this timing mat.
I don’t know why there wasn’t anyone at the corner directing runners to turn. Maybe they assumed the signs were enough, but if you have ever run in a race, you know how easy it is to get in the zone and tune some of those things out. I’m not that upset about it because I wasn’t concerned with my placing, but if I was, I would be more frustrated about the situation. I figure I should have beat 2-3 other women, potentially placing me in the top 10.

After that portion of the race, there were some rolling hills, which then spit you into a (nearly) one mile trail portion that is quite technical, steep, rutted, and definitely adds some time to your total finish time. My pace was about 2 minutes slower during that mile, so you can tell that I am not a trail runner, but I also purposely slowed down because I do not need to be falling when I am pregnant.
Once we got to about mile 9, there were some longer downhill sections, which was nice to be able to cruise a bit more. I took a gel around mile 8 and definitely felt it kick in during this section.
Side story: as we were climbing a fairly sizable hill at Point Woronzof, one male runner was walking up the hill, and I wanted to shout to him (politely), “If this pregnant lady can run the hill, so can you!” If you have been pregnant before, you know how much harder it is to run hills! I don’t dread hills outside of pregnancy, but they are definitely much harder during pregnancy.
During the last two miles, I had to slow down a little because my lower abdomen started tightening a bit. It didn’t hurt but rather felt like those muscles had just had enough and were fatigued. I was able to pass one more women during the final stretch of the race, which is always a boost of confidence. I finished in just over 1:40, but know if I didn’t have to trail portion and didn’t have to slow down towards the end, I think I would have been around 1:37. I am really happy with my performance as I was 3 minutes faster than when I ran during Cullen’s pregnancy. I am hopeful that since I went into this pregnancy fitter than my pregnancy with Cullen–and I have been running faster in the races, I will also be able to be faster after this pregnancy as well. I know a lot can happen between now and then, but it keeps my hopes alive for a sub-3 hour marathon one day!

Here’s a recap of the last two weeks of my workouts during this pregnancy. I’ve been hitting right around 30 miles and that held true during these past couple of weeks too.
Week 21 pregnancy workouts:
Monday – off
I did a long run of 16 miles the previous day, so I was okay taking a day off.
Tuesday – 6 miles | easy run | 8:30 average pace
I love summer running! Nothing beats being able to throw on just a few pieces of clothing and step out the door and not freeze right away. No matter where you live, there is a time of year that is ideal for running and in Alaska, that is right now.
Wednesday – 5 miles | tempo workout: 2 x 10 min. @ tempo, 5 min. @ tempo
I did a tempo workout with the Hightail Training group in the evening. I wasn’t sure a run–nonetheless a workout–was actually going to happen today, but I decided I might as well jump in with them and help pace a few of the women. I don’t know my actual splits, but I think I was around 7:10-7:15 pace.
Thursday – off
Thursdays are a little trickier to get workouts in. While I definitely could have found time, I opted to rest and accomplish some other things instead.
Friday – 10 miles (stroller run) | 8:49 average pace
I wanted to get a run in and go to the gym and lift, so I combined them both. I pushed Cullen in the stroller to the gym (5 miles), lifted for 60 minutes, and then ran 5 miles back home with him. It is fun to have a destination to run to and we made plenty of stops during the two stints.
Saturday – 5 miles | easy run | 9:08 average pace
A quick, easy run before coaching and working a full day at the store.
Sunday – 4 miles | interval workout
I attended my first Orange Theory class, so most of these miles were fast/faster intervals. We alternated between running on the treadmill and rowing, and then there was a 20 minute weight lifting section as well.
Total: 30 miles

Week 22 pregnancy workouts:
Monday – 4 miles | easy run | 8:26 average pace
I am good with 4-5 miles most days. This is enough to get that runner’s high, feel like I accomplished something, and still allow myself to sleep in a bit more because I am feeling a bit more tired than usual these days.
Tuesday – off
Four days of running in a row still seems to be the most my body likes to do. Usually I would push through, but I am okay taking things easier right now.
Wednesday – 6 miles | easy run | 8:29 average pace + 30 minutes of weights
Kept everything easy this week since I knew I would be racing on Saturday. Still making a handful of stops during my runs to rest and catch my breath. I should just slow down (and I try!), but my legs are so used to that 8:30 pace.
Thursday – 4 miles | easy run |8:39 average pace
A few early morning miles with the Raven Run Club.
Friday – off
Maybe it is a mental thing, but I still prefer to rest the day before a race instead of do a shake-out run.
Saturday – 18 miles | race + long run
Mayor’s Half Marathon + 5 mile cool-down
So happy to feel good and run my second half marathon during this pregnancy.
Sunday – off
Third day off this week, but I was fine with this. I ran hard and much longer than usual the day before, so I figured my body would appreciate the break.
Total: 32 miles
After the Mayor’s Half Marathon during Cullen’s pregnancy, things went downhill pretty quickly in terms of running. I’m hoping that doesn’t happen this time around, but so far running this week hasn’t felt as “easy” as it did last week. I’m hoping a down week will help with less mileage, and I’ll be able to get back to feeling better next week. In the meantime I’ve been doing early morning walks with the dog, some hiking, weight lifting, and taking it a little easier than usual.