Being able to tell people the length of my pregnancy in months seems a little easier to understand and closer to the due date even though I still have four months to go. I know these last few months will fly by even faster, and pretty soon I will be holding a baby boy in my arms. Ah! How crazy?!
Not too much has changed since my last pregnancy update half way through at 20 weeks. I am still feeling really good, sleeping well, have very few food aversions, and running has been okay! Most of the time I don’t even feel pregnant–which is probably not what some of you want to hear if you’ve had a rough pregnancy. (Although you may remember my first trimester was rough!) Of course there are things that remind me I’m pregnant: many of my clothes don’t fit, the baby’s movements throughout the day, and how it is already becoming a little challenging to tie my shoes and bend over!

Running continues to go quite well. Some days I’m more motivated than others, which is pretty normal. I am usually running five days per week and averaging about 30 miles a week, which is just fine. I did do a long run of 16 miles two weekends ago, which I was quite proud about! I also ran two races since my 20 week update–the Twilight 6K and Alaska Run for Women.

VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean):
The one thing I have been working on getting figured is to see if doing a VBAC is possible for me–whether that’s something my doctor would do for me and my insurance would allow. I asked on Instagram if anyone has done a VBAC at Regional Hospital here in Anchorage, so feel free to chime in below in the comments if you have any knowledge of this. (Right now–from what I understand–is that Regional does do them, but so few doctors want to do a VBAC there.)
Food cravings/aversions:
I still don’t have strong cravings or aversions. I do find that I don’t crave coffee in the mornings anymore, which is fine. I never drink coffee for the caffeine to wake me up; I drink decaf coffee for the flavor. Otherwise, I’m eating my usual diet and enjoying my greens, healthy fats, lean proteins, and definitely a sweet treat every once in a while.

We’re pretty sure we have a named picked out for the baby. It is a name I have liked since high school, but I had forgotten about it until I saw it on someone’s license plate of all places! If you were hoping I would be revealing the name, sorry, that is one secret we will be keeping until he arrives. (We don’t even tell close friends and family the name we’ve picked!)
Maternity Clothes:
I still have bought zero items for the new baby, but I have purchased a few clothing items for myself since most of my pants, jeans, and shorts no longer fit. (I forgot how much weight my body likes to carry in my hips, thighs, and butt!) I did purchase these maternity jeans from Madewell and LOVE them–so comfortable, great fit, and I love the raw hem. (They also sell a non-maternity version that I’ve heard great things about!) I also purchased this sweater and this long sleeve from Lululemon since they are a longer length and perfect for a growing belly. And these non-maternity leggins are the best for pregnancy!

Baby Movement:
I have definitely felt the baby moving around, which is always exciting and makes things feel more real. I can’t wait until you can practically see the fist or foot coming through my belly. Ha! I am also excited for Cullen to see and feel these movements. Right now they have been more inconsistent, and he’s not patient enough to watch my belly for more than two seconds, but I know he’ll eventually witness them.
I haven’t had too many crazy or vivid dreams. I did have one where John Stamos was hitting on me, which felt crazy. Obviously, I think he’s an attractive man, but I definitely don’t have a celebrity crush on him. And it wasn’t like I had recently seem him in anything, so I’m not sure where that stemmed from.
For comparison, here’s my blog post at 5 months pregnant with Cullen.
Overall, things are going really well, and I am going to continue to say my prayers for an uneventful pregnancy and baby boy who is healthy, happy, and a good sleeper. Ha! (Cullen was a terrible sleeper, but I also created some bad habits.) And now cheers to those of you racing this weekend!
Congratulations on your pregnancy! I had a VBAC in the fall, but live in NH so I can’t help with local resources. If you haven’t already, check out ICAN (international Cesarean Awareness Network). They have a Facebook group that is very active with people from around the country and also there are local chapters. Another resource I found helpful for sleep second tome around is Taking Cara Babies. She has such a great approach that makes you feel supported and not judged with sleep decisions. Her Instagram is full of helpful information. Best of luck and thanks for sharing your pregnancy journey!
Thank you so much for sharing the Facebook group! I actually discovered Taking Cara Babies several months ago and have been following her and LOVE her tips. I am definitely buying her newborn class right before the baby comes!
Taking Cara Babies is awesome. I am such a big believer in sleep routines… and not to benefit me, but for my kiddos! My toddler and baby are so happy when they are well rested.
And best of luck on the VBAC! Also, I found my second pregnancy (minus the first trimester…ugh) SO much easier than my first. My recover was also a lot better.
I’ve heard the recovery in successive births usually goes more smoothly. I’m sure your body kind of knows what to expect.