I am loving the fact I am back to running some decent mileage now, but my hip is still not feeling great. I am fine with runs under about 8 miles, but anything over that it starts to bother me. I’m not sure if I should continue running this much and keep rehabbing–hoping it will continue to heal on its own because I have made a lot (a lot) of progress within the past 2 months. (My hip used to hurt after 10 minutes of running!) However, obviously something still isn’t right.
Right now I’m taking it day-by-day and thankful for the miles I am able to run! Here’s a look at my mileage from this past week.
Off – I was still fighting a cold, so I opted to stay inside and rest.
8 miles | 12 x 200 meters (:37 – :40)
I was really happy with how this workout went. I did this on an indoor track, and I had people to run with, so that always makes me run faster. All of my splits were 40 seconds or under, which is good for me. I feel like my speed is coming back!
5 miles| easy
45 minutes of weights
This was an easy early morning run. My hip didn’t feel great after running 13 miles within the last 12 hours. I wasn’t thrilled about this, but I also knew it was a fair amount for a short period of time.
9 miles | easy
With a 24 hour rest, my hip was feeling better. My watch died after 3 miles, and I wasn’t exactly sure of the distance for the route I picked, so I decided to double back after what I thought was 4 miles. In reality I ended up running 9 miles, which was kind of exciting.
7 miles | easy
40 minutes of rehab activities for my hip
Another early morning run. It has been so cold here this winter, so I wasn’t too trilled about another single digit run. However, it was worth it for that runner’s high at the end!
Off – Ideally I like to do my long runs on Saturdays, but I had to be to work before 8 a.m., so I opted to wait until Sunday.
12 miles | easy
The first two-thirds of this run I felt pretty good. The temperature was 4*F, but I actually felt okay. However, after about 8 miles, I started to feel my hip, and it never subsided.
Total: 41 miles
Saucony Peregrine Ice review coming soon!
It is so hard not to compare my training to last year at this time when I was running 60 and 70 miles per week. I would give anything to be back at that level of training, but that’s not the reality now. Currently I still have hip pain past 7 or 8 miles, and while it isn’t unbearable, I know something isn’t right. I don’t know what to expect from my hip in the near future. I think about taking a couple of more weeks off and trying to rehab it. I also consider sticking to the shorter distances since I’m good for 7 or 8 miles and sprinting doesn’t bother it, but that doesn’t help me get to my big, dream goal. Ultimately I have to make the best decision at the time with the information I have. Tomorrow I’ll be posting what information (or lack there of really) I have gotten from the doctors about my labral tear. I’m doing my best to stay positive, but I hate the unknown and not being able to control the situation more.