If you missed the first three posts on my trip to Cordova, AK to learn about Copper River Salmon, check them out:
Day 1: Child’s Glacier + Counting Salmon
Day 2 & 3: Cordova Fishing Trip
The half-marathon I ran while I was there.
One incredibly gorgeous sunny afternoon, we took a boat ride on one of the salmon fishing boats. We were supposed to go out on one of the fishing boats while they were actually catching fish, but the weather was too bad.
As we were leaving the harbor, one of the fishermen was fixing his nets.
The captain of the boat owns his own boat and fishes by himself. He was so kind to spend a couple hours answering all sorts of questions about salon fishing.
On a different afternoon, we spent some time touring one of the fishing processing plants.
The process starts with the salmon being off loaded from the tender fishing boat. (The individual fishermen unload their salmon to one of the tenders and then the tenders bring them to the processor.)
The lovely garb we wore during the tour.
The fish then enter the plant and workers separate the fish based off the variety (There are 5 different species of salmon.) The fish then are gutted, fileted, and then cut into smaller pieces for canning.
The processing plant was currently processing pink salmon (pink salmon is one of the five varieties of salmon) into canned salmon.
One thing that was reiterated time and time again during our trip was the importance of eating wild salmon. If you’ve ever had farmed salmon versus wild caught salmon, you know farmed salmon does not have near the taste and flavor that wild caught salmon does. So eat wild, people!
Our adventures took us to a few, awesome, local restaurants. One of the places we went to a few times was Baja Taco. The food was made in the bus and then we ate inside the pavilion. A great place for tex-mex.
One evening Craig ordered smoke salmon pizza from Harborside Pizza. Craig’s had salmon pizza before, but he said this was definitely his favorite. It was definitely tasty.
Our lodging accommodations were provided by Orca Lodge. It used to be one of the canneries that now provides rooms for tourists to stay. The rooms were pretty basic, but the food served at the cafe was amazing.
Our view from the lodge. You can’t beat that.
Such a fun trip with my two boys.
Fun fun Fun! What was on the salmon pizza? Salmon, artichokes, white sauce?
I’m not even sure. . .deliciousness.
We eat a lot of wild salmon! But I have only once found Copper River Salmon and it was by far the best salmon I’ve ever had! I just don’t know how to find it again?? What is the mystery with where to buy it???
Costco! or Whole Foods if you want to pay 3 times as much 🙂