(His head looks so big in this picture.)
I’m continuing to recap what our days are like each month for the first year of Cullen’s life. I feel like I just did his 8 month recap, but that’s what happens when you are busy traveling! Here’s a look at our day today.
Thursday, July 23
9:00 p.m. Cullen goes down for the night. (This is later than usual, but then again, what is ‘usual.’) With all of our travels, it has been hard to get into a good routine, but we make do. He just ends up going to bed a little later and sleeping in later in the morning.
Friday, July 24
2:00 a.m. I hear Cullen fussing in his room. I try to let him fuss it out for a while, but he isn’t quieting down, so I go nurse him back to sleep.
5:30 a.m. Cullen is up again. (We’re still at two wake-ups per night.) I nurse him back to sleep again.
7:20 a.m. Now Cullen is up for the day. We hang out, play, and have some snuggle time. I got to sleep in this morning because I have an easy, short run that I’m going to do with him in stroller later. (I usually only run with the stroller twice a week, so most mornings I’m up at 5:30 a.m.)
7:40 a.m. Diaper change, put on regular clothes, and eat again.
8:00 a.m. We go downstairs to have breakfast. I have avocado on an English muffin and iced coffee along with a bowl of cereal. Cullen has banana and some English muffin.
8:30 a.m. Cullen and I go upstairs to change his clothes and diaper since he is sopping wet from drinking water at breakfast. We play for a while: reading books, playing ball, and whatever else Cullen finds interesting.
9:00 a.m. Time to get ready to go running. What used to only take 15 minutes takes three times as long these days, and I always make sure to start getting ready early because I always end up needing the extra time. I change into my running clothes, brush my teeth, and pick up the bedroom. I’m sure I do a million other things, but now I don’t even remember what they were.
9:40 a.m. We leave to go meet a friend for a run.
10:10 a.m. 6 mile run with my friend Erin. Cullen fell asleep after 3 miles.
11:00 a.m. Run done. We stretch and load the car back up with everything. I stop by the store (Skinny Raven) to drop off some boots I borrowed from my coworker, write down some hours, and buy Nuun. I was planning on going home after that, but I was talking to another coworker about my need to find a dress to wear to my brother-in-law’s wedding next weekend. She suggested stopping by our sister store (Her Tern) across the street. Duh! I don’t know why I didn’t think of that before. So a quick errand turns into a whole trying-on, buying experience.
12:20 p.m. We finally head home! By now I am starving as I haven’t had anything to eat since breakfast this morning.
12:35 p.m. Arrive home. I try to feed Cullen, but I guess he’s not hungry. (He gets so distracted these days. He will nurse for a few seconds, then want to sit up, look around, and then lay back down to nurse. This repeated about 5 times.)
12:40 p.m. I make a quick lunch before we have to leave again. I must have been too much in a hurry because my turkey burger wasn’t actually cooked through, so I don’t eat that but have the spinach cake (The burnt-looking thing on the left. I actually really like them. They were a Costco find.) and the cottage cheese with nectarine. (I bought these nectarines at Fred Meyer in town, and they are so incredibly sweet. I actually had two today.)
I also have a few bites of this chocolate coconut peanut butter. I like it but don’t love it. Maybe I was expecting it to take more like Nutella.
1:10 p.m. Leave to go to our 9 month pediatrician appointment.
1:30 p.m. Pediatrician appointment. Cullen is in the 71st percentile for weight, 100th+ percentile for height (He grew one inch a month in the past three months.), and 95th percentile for head circumference.
2:15 p.m. We finish up at the pediatrician appointment and make a pit stop at Starbucks to pick up a little treat for Craig. I was hoping to keep Cullen awake, but he was out within two minutes of getting in the car.
2:45 p.m. We stop by Craig’s work and show off the sleeping Cullen to his coworkers. We go into his office and Craig crinkles some papers and wakes Cullen up. No! Of course now he is up and bright-eyed and bushy tailed. I threaten to leave Cullen with Craig since he woke him up.
I ordered a green tea lemonade for myself and a piece of pumpkin bread. The green tea lemonade was really sweet. I added water to do to dilute it. The pumpkin bread was good, but every time I have something from Starbucks I regret my decision. Besides being really sweet the lemonade flavor was fake-tasting and the pumpkin bread was obviously not very healthy.
3:10 p.m. Time to head back home. I was planning on Cullen sleeping during this time, but once he’s woken from a nap (no matter how short he has been sleeping) he’s up for a while again. When I get home, I reheat my turkey burger and clean up the kitchen. Also time to change Cullen’s diaper and clothes again. He drooled all over his shirt.
4:10 p.m. We head out the door again to run some more errands. (We never go this much during a normal day. Sometimes we stay home all day.) This time we’re headed to Nordstrom to return a few items I ordered online. We also go to the other mall and stop by Gap, Baby Gap, and H&M (which just opened in Anchorage!). These stops take entirely way to long as usual. Cullen is super happy during these stops, which makes me very happy.
6:00 p.m. We are finally done. Time to head to my in-laws so they can watch him while I do some computer work.
6:10 p.m. I catch up on e-mails, start this blog post, and spend entirely too much time on Facebook.
7:00 p.m. Thankfully they offer dinner to me, and I am not stuck eating scrambled eggs.
7:30 p.m. I spend a few more minutes working on computer items, but I see that Cullen is getting tired, so we head home. Classic Cullen with only one sock on.
8:10 p.m. We arrive home. I immediately start our bedtime routine: bath, pajamas on, pick up Cullen’s room. I usually brush his teeth and read a couple books to him, but I can tell he is ready for bed! I nurse him to sleep and he’s out by 8:30 p.m.
8:35 p.m. I clean up the kitchen and the downstairs of our house. (I still can’t go to bed unless everything is in its place.) I also upload photos to the computer for this post, write a couple of emails, and get things together for the next day.
9:30 p.m. I get ready for bed.
9:45 p.m. I continue working on this blog post and my athlete plans. (I am still accepting athletes if you are interested!)
11:30 p.m. Light out for me! (Far too late.)
The end!
Great read! The picture of Craig looks totally posed. Was he saying something, or just trying to look like a model for an Office Max catalog?
That’s him in action. . . .working for “the man” as he likes to say. Who knows what he was rambling about.