They are staying with us this week, and it has been so nice to have their help around the house and with Cullen.
Gosh, look at that chunk! (He’s no little man.) Obviously he is getting enough to eat. He is up to 13 pounds at 8 weeks old.
Grandma has been reading to Cullen (That’s his baby book in the picture. Ha!), cuddling with him, and even got him to take a bottle today.
I don’t know what it is, but my mom’s got the touch. She is so good at getting him down for his naps or calming him down. I will literally do exactly what she does, but Cullen will either not fall asleep or not stay down. I’m pretty sure Grandpa and Grandma are just going to have to stay.
Having them here means I can leave whenever I want to go to a run. I ran 5 miles this morning–with two walk breaks. That’s the longest I’ve run since delivering 8 weeks ago.
My muscles don’t have the strength and endurance they once did, but it gets easier each time I go out. I also went to the gym yesterday and am very sore. But I like it.
This little (big!) guy turned 8 weeks old today. He started smiling this past week, which is really exciting and fun. He also “talks” and coos a lot when interacting with him.