I nearly had a heart attack (and went into labor)–at the same time–when I opened the curtains this morning.
Actually, we are lucky to have made it this far into October without snow, but the first snowfall always comes a little too early in my book.
Mid-morning I ran a few last-minute errands before the baby comes. I went to Target in search of a going-home outfit if the baby is a boy. Is it just me, or are the boy clothes just not as cute as the girl clothes?
I also went to Lowe’s to get a pail with a lid for our cloth diapering system. The only pail with a lid was a 5 gallon pail, which I thought was awfully big. I’ll keep searching.
Tonight for dinner, Craig and I went to Suite 100 for possibly our last date night before the baby arrives. We took our time eating, talked about the last 6.5 years of our marriage, and anticipated the arrival of our baby.
Craig was very concerned with his fantasy football team. He barely pulled off a win.
Naturally, Craig ordered the duck, and I ordered a salad. My Cesar salad with blackened fish was excellent–very tender and flavorful.
We split a peach cobbler dessert with half-melted ice cream. Yum!
The workouts are getting shorter and the walk breaks are getting longer, but I can still say I am running, which has been my goal from the get-go!
Here’s a recap of my workouts from week 39 of my pregnancy.
Picture obviously not taken today.
2 miles/20:01/average pace – 9:59 + 30 minutes weight lifting + 30 minute walk
This was pretty much an average run for me these days–slow and multiple walk breaks.
50 minute walk with Sadie
3 miles/30:29/average pace – 10:09 + 45 minute walk with Sadie
I can definitely tell the baby has dropped as there is more pressure on my pelvis these days. It took me a total of 50 minutes to complete 3 miles.
2 miles/21:22/ average pace – 10:39 + 30 minute walk with Sadie
Ran with Craig, which is always fun.
60 minute walk with Craig and Sadie to the coffee shop for our coffee date morning.
1 mile/10:30
I felt fine starting out, but that quickly changed when the pain in my pelvis was too uncomfortable to keep running. Oh well; I tried.
2 miles/19:30
Once again I started out feeling good, but then I had to take a lot of walk breaks. I found myself getting more out of breath than I have the past few weeks.
Total: 10 miles
And now for some random questions . . . . .
1. What detergent do you use/recommend for cloth diapers?
I’ve heard a lot of good things about Rockin’ Green, but I’ve also been told that specialty detergents aren’t necessary. Instead mainstream detergents such as Tide are perfectly fine. A friend said she made her own detergent with Borax, Oxi Clean, and washing soda.
2. Hunter boots
I’ve gone back and forth about getting a pair of Hunter boots that I could use as rain boots during the spring and fall and an ‘out-and-about’ winter boot with the fleece socks. I tried a pair on at Nordstrom today and the calf was so tight that the employee had to pull the boots off for me. (My belly was also making the try-on/off process very difficult.)
I see they do make a Huntress boot for wide calves, but I’m not sure they would be as cute. Thoughts?? Also, which color would you choose?
3. Any last minute guesses as to the day I will deliver and whether the baby is a boy or girl??
Well unfortunately I can’t answer your questions as we don’t use cloth diapers and I had never heard of hunter boots until now (I fail at fashion but I do like the grey). I did want to say that while I was pregnant I thought the same about boys clothes vs girls clothes but now I disagree. Maybe I’m just biased because I think my son is the cutest thing ever but I believe he has some pretty handsome outfits. I’m now using my blog to dispel that myth. Amazing job on the workouts and I say Oct 23, boy! I won’t say enjoy these last few days like everyone does because, get real. Enjoy the baby when he arrives instead!
Amen! I AM enjoying these last few days by myself, but I *also* want to enjoy it when the baby comes!! I did go to JCPenney yesterday and spot some cuter boy clothes–and like you said they probably are that much cuter on your own child.
I am literally drooling at my desk over that peach cobbler. My Raisin English muffin I was eating just lost that battle! I don’t have any children yet so I can’t help you on the diaper front BUT I can help you with the Hunters…
I would wait a few weeks after you have the baby then go try them on again. They may be a little tight from the extra fluid in your body. I have a yellow pair and they are very cute although all of their colors are pretty.
I bet it is a girl… AND I bet it will be here Monday of next week!
I was thinking that my calves may be more swollen now with the pregnancy. I can see my ankles swell most days, so lets hope that my calves will get smaller and be able to fit into the boots after delivering.
I think baby boy (you look like you are all baby which makes me say boy, because I was the same way w my son and pregnant all over with my girls!) will arrive on October 25th. I think there are less options/racks for boy clothes than girl clothes…. but I still find some pretty cute outfits! Love the boots, and grey seems pretty universal for outfit matching. Best wishes on a speedy & healthy delivery whenever that may be!
i’ve heard awesome things about hunter boots, especially that they are long lasting. but i have the same problem with rainboots that you did- very tight in the calves (probably because i run) and that rubber isn’t as forgiving as leather is. i will guess a girl! all of my friends who have waited to find out have had girls. maybe the trend will continue with the blog world too!
You shall have a baby boy on Saturday, October 25th at 7:23 am. And name him Rupert.
Ha! I’ll work on it.
I love my Hunters, and I got them in green. They don’t go with outfits as much, but that’s usually okay. They were AMAZING in the slush yesterday but not the warmest. I look forward to taking them camping and staying dry! I would try on the Huntress and see how they work. I have tiny cables and they were tight on me!
I love Hunter boots, but they’re way too tight if your calf is more than 14″. I love the pair with the adjustable back – it can fit calves up to 17″, and you can tighten them if your calves slim down. They have a lot of cute colours on the hunter website.
After looking at them more today, I was thinking of getting the ones with the adjustable back! That seems like a better option than the Huntress ones. Thanks.
Make your own detergent! My roommate did that and she seems to like it. Then you don’t have to worry about the babies sensitive skin and all the chemicals in tide etc.
Maybe I will add that to your list of projects when you come to visit.
Charlie’s soap for cloth diapers–I use it for all our laundry actually. Bought a huge bucket of it on Amazon for cheap. Economical and works well.
I have received several recommendations for that brand!
Use Tide for your cloth diapers. So much better than rockin green or charlies. I just bought a garbage pail with lid for my diapers. Most pail liners fit inside a regular side kitchen garbage can. Mine was like $20 at Target.
Do you use a certain type of Tide–powder? liquid?
Boy on November 3rd.And Gym bored has adorable boy stuff. Really good quality, too.
Oh gosh, I don’t know that I could wait that long. But my husband might like that date as it is his birthday!
Gymboree! Not gym bored.
I had the same issue with the Hunters, I blame my runners’ calves (which I take great pride in). Personally I think that extra tuffs are super cute and super comfortable, and they have much better traction than Hunters, but I know not everyone agrees about their cuteness…
Is it sad I try not to embrace too much of the Alaskan fashion. I know I should probably go with the XtraTuffs, but I just don’t think I could do it.
congrats you’re almost there. love hunter boots
Which boots do you have?
I have the same problem with my Hunters.
I think it’s the big runner’s calves.
Don’t make your own “detergent.” You actually can’t make detergent because detergent ingredients aren’t sold commercially- the washing soda/borax/oxi clean mixtures people use are just softeners and boosters- they can’t clean anything beyond what just rinsing with water does. And Rockin Green is basically softeners and boosters + a teeny, tiny bit of detergent. (I was so sad to find out there’s no such thing as homemade detergent. I am cheap and I hate spending money on this stuff but alas. Better to buy detergent than have stinky diapers.)
Yes, I definitely have more muscular calves.
Oh wow! Good to know about the homemade “detergent.” I will probably end up using the Rockin’ Green then.
And I say boy!
I’ve been looking for rain boots too and someone suggested Hunters. I don’t know if I can justify that much cash for what basically is a pair of rubber boots. I do have a pair of ancient LaCrosse boots from my childhood, but they’ve got no tread left and I mostly use them in the garden…. We’ll see.
I bought my current pair from Target and really like them–fun colors, wide calves. I’ve worn them a decent amount over the last 5 or so years and they’ve held up well.
I used Nellie’s for a while, but my diapers started having a strong ammonia smell as soon as baby peed, and I don’t think it was getting them as clean as they could be. I switched to Tide original powder, and i love it. I have noticed I need to do more rinses, but that is ok. I don’t know if i would use tide to start, just because of baby’s sensitive skin. I waited till she was about 9 months old. She had been exposed to tide, and didn’t’ have a reaction. A friend of mine uses Charlie Banana soap, and loves it. Yay for cloth! I love it.
I also love my hunters. Try them again after baby is born. I bought mine the first trip we took to AK, felt a little out of place with all the xtra tuffs around me, but i was ok with it!
Yeah, what was up with monday morning snow!? I was shocked, I thought it might rain but I did not expect a few inches of snow! I like all of the sun lately though, even if it’s barely 40 out. I am not ready to run on the ice but I do have my shoes with screws ready (thanks for the detailed instructions Michelle!!) They are the same ones I used last winter, I just decided they were winter shoes and got another pair for summer.
We knew we were only having one child so we did not invest in cloth diapers, we were potty trained by 18 months though so that was great!
I am not into the rubber boots, I have a couple of pairs of waterproof leather ones, I am happy with those. I did get my daughter some rubber boots, hot pink leopard pattern with heels that light up! She’s the fashionable one, not me. She’s only three too.
Yes, in general I think that girls clothes are cuter and I have to resist buying too much for my little one. She is to the point now where she picks out her own stuff, I love to see her express her style! However, there are some cool boys clothes out there, I know this because my friend has three boys and they always look cool.
I love Suite 100, it’s one of our favorites now. It’s also close to our house. They had a delicious lamb osso bucco last time we were there (about a month ago). I love lamb OB, we used to make it at home in the crock pot in Colorado since I knew a family with a sheep ranch. Orso also has a good lamb OB.
I think you will have a Halloween baby boy. I know that is another week. Someone asked me if I was miserable on my due date, I said no and they said that I wasn’t ready to have the baby. So, I guess when you feel really miserable, you’re ready.
Happy speedy and easy delivery!