But I can’t complain, this pregnancy has been very easy, and soon, very soon we will be holding our little one in our arms. . . .crazy!!
Somehow I manage to always cut my head off. And my belly looks quite torpedo-like in this side profile pictures. Anyway, I am still feeling good these days and doing what I normally do without too many struggles (besides bending down and tying my shoes, which is a bit challenging). But anyhow, here’s an overview of where I’m at these days.
Still able to eat whatever I’d like–no aversions, no cravings. I can’t say I’ve had any crazy cravings, which I’m sure Craig doesn’t mind.
My running has slowed down to 10 minutes/mile, which is what I expected. Most said they ran 2 minutes/mile slower than what they averaged prior to getting pregnant. My hip flexors and minor cramping usually turn my run into a walk, but that’s okay. As long as I can still get out there 4-5 mornings each week.
Weight Gained
20 pounds
Side Effects
– My feet and ankles will sometimes swell during the day. They will be puffy in the afternoon/evening but fine in the morning. I have been wearing my compression socks, which helps.
– I hope I feel my hips start to loosen up a bit because right now they still feel really tight. (I’ve always been tight.)
– There has been some bruising around my belly button, which I guess is common.
Comments from People (strangers and friends)
– “Are you pregnant with twins?”
– “You’re always early with your first one.”
– “You’re usually late with your first pregnancy.”
– “I think it is a boy. You’re carrying low.”
– “Everyone’s having a girl, so you’ll have a girl as well.”
– “You’re not still running, are you?”
Other Fun Baby Things
– I can feel various body parts when the baby starts moving–possibly a hand, and I think a foot the other day.
– I felt the baby have hiccups the other morning.
– I had a wonderful shower hosted by two friends and my mother-in-law. A delicious spread was made, games were played, and presents were opened. I received a wide range of baby items that nearly completes everything I wanted. (I have one Target order I’m waiting on with 3 other items.) Other than that, the baby’s room is done! All of his/her clothes are washed and ready, items are organized, and I’ve been working on the baby book as well. Now we just wait.
Has anyone taken evening primrose oil a few weeks out from their due date?
I took primrose oil. My doctor told me to. Supposedly it helps prevent tearing???
I keep reading it is supposed to ripen the cervix and help you dilate faster. How many weeks out from your due date did you start taking it?
Hey Michelle, I’m a friend of Craig’s from college and saw your post on FB. I had a baby recently and tried eating dates for a month before the due date… I was worried about going past my due date or needing an induction and feel like this helped me avoid both! Here’s a link to the research! http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/21280989/
Good luck! Happy nesting!
Interesting. . .I had no idea. But that’s good because I’ve been eating a few dates most days in my smoothie or just plain. Maybe it will help me as well! (I do remember you from Craig’s college days.) 🙂
You look great! I’m so happy to hear you’re still running.